Forget You (Drarry Fanfiction)

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I had this idea for fan fiction, which I NEVER have written, it is a Drarry fan fiction which means Draco Malfoy with Harry Potter. ;)

I'm not really sure when this one would take place I was thinking about after Deathly Hallows, before the nineteen years later things. Or something I'm not sure..

Basically this story would be about Ginny Weasly breaking up with Harry Potter and leaving him for someone else, not gonna tell you who... okay I will. Hermione, bleh I've always thought of them together. There wouldn't be a lot of Ron here and if there is some, I see him with Pansy. THat's just me though. 

Anyway, Ginny leaves Harry and Harry finds comfort in a Slytherin enemy of his... Draco Malfoy.

Harry is dead set on not having a real relationship and when he discovers that Draco has feelings for him he starts becoming curious. 

What would happen if they actaully hooked up?

Hm, many many things my friends.

How is it possible for a Malfoy, a Slytherin, to love the Boy Who Lived?

Bleh my thoughts are all jumbled up I might write it but it won't most likely be posted and if it is it will be just for fun so a lot of the information won't be that accurate. But then again I'm not trying to make an exact Harry Potter book, and I'm not gonna try to imitate J.K Rowlings writing style perfectly because face it, it is truly impossible.

This story will be JUST for fun, I will most likely complete it fast.

Bloody hell, I have new ideas. O.O

Let me get onto writing!!

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