Call Me Sky

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    Heather Isabel Skies lives with her father and annoying step-mother who tires to control every single aspect of her life. From how she dresses, how she acts, to who she talks to. Heather's Step-Mother has tried to make her into a minature..her.

     That is exactly why, four years ago she snuck out at night when know one was paying attention, her father to busy at work, and "mother" to busy sleeping. She meets Alexx, a wannabee guitarist with huge dreams, great personality, and caring attitude. He takes her under his wing showing her what it feels like to live. Heather becomes exactly who she wants to be: Sky. The complete opposite of who she is at school.

      But when Jay, a rebellious guy from her Elite School finds out about her secret, she is going to have some serious explaining to do. Not only to him, but to her strict parents. Then again he promised not to tell anyone her little secret if she did some things for him in return.

        But these things may just kill her.


I was seven years old when my mother died, seven and a half when my father remarried.

I don't know why he remarried so quickly. Maybe he was lonely. Or maybe he never loved my mother as much as it appeared.

I was eight when I found out my father and step-mother had had a relationship for the past five years, it sucked. I did not understand exactly what that meant at the time, but I did find out later on.

It broke my heart and left me wondering, did my mom even know?

I hated my step-mother, she wasn't mean, no, wasn't frightening. She was just a young 28 year old when they married, with large aqua blue eyes, dirty blonde hair that would always be pulled up into a tight ponytail, and she had a splatter of freckles across her face. She looked young, maybe that's why my dad loved her? Maybe that's why I hated her? She got everything she wanted, my father gave her everything her greedy little heart desired.

Once she was complaining about how her car was in such a bad shape and how she wished that she could just get a new car, she had sighed and walked out of the room. The next day, out at the front was a shiny new Mercedes-Benz.

After that she complained a lot more frequently.

Jaimie, my step-mother, has always tried her hardest to please me, to make me into a miniature...her. She always wished to dress me in skirts, have my black wavy hair straightened out and dyed blond, and she wanted me to be that perfect daughter.

Straight As, have a great social life, do community service, be talented in vairous ways.

I always told her that her efforts were no use, except they were.

When we moved away from Moreno Valley, California and to the busy state of New York I agreed to give it a shot. I was twelve years old and with my pleated skirt, button down shirt, navy blue tights, and black bowed head band I fit in perfectly well with the other rich, snobby, and preppy girls.

I transformed from a nobody to a somebody in a matter of days, I became the mini Jaimie, the mini Blair Waldorf in my school and I hated it.

That's why I started leaving  in the middle of the night, when my father was still at work, Jaimie knocked out in her bedroom. I locked my door and became exactly who I wanted to be.

I wasn't Heather Isabell Skies, I was just Sky, a girl who fought for what she believed in, loved music, and could kick any ones ass.

The first time I wandered out of the house I was thirteen years old, a year into the transformation. I wandered out to a cafe a couple streets from where I lived, that's where I met Alexx.

Alexx at the time was a fourteen year old wanabee guitarist who had just formed a band and was in need of a vocalist. He had found me staring at him from the corner where I was sipping my coffee.

"Hello." He said his green eyes looking me up and down, from the top of my ripped band tee, to the bottom where I wore some worn in converse. Not my usual attire.

"Hi." I squeaked, I wrinkled my nose, my voice had sounded just like Jaimie's.

"Hi." I said again, sounding normal.

"I'm Alexx." Alexx gave me a half smile. "You are.." He trailed off.

"Call me Sky." I said looking down at my coffee, I took the spoon from the table and started stirring it.

"Well Sky why are you alone at this time." I looked up at him. A strand of his blond hair fell over his eye, and I stopped myself from going forward to push it away.

"I wanted to get away." I mumbled simply, I picked at my nails.

"Oh. Um.." He started tapping on the table, which I later found out he only did when he was nervous. "I have a band, it's just starting up. Maybe you would want to come over to 'The Garage' to watch us practice?"  Alexx gave me a full on smile, and my heart sped when I realized just how cute he was.

"Yeah s-sure." I stuttered giving him a grateful smile in return.

"Let's go then." I nodded and hitched my leatehr bag over my shoulder and walked off to The Garage where I would begin another part of my life.

"Can you sing?" He had asked me as we were walking.

"Yes." I answered. I always had loved singing, I remember that my mother would sing with me as we cleaned around the house. She had awlays told me I had a wonderful voice. My eyes watered slightly at the memory.

"Are you okay?" Alexx asked looking into my eyes with worry.

"I'm fine." I whispered rubbing my eyes, he stopped walking.

"You know you can tell me anything, after all we are going to be in a band together.." I stared at him in confusion.

"I invited you to be a part of my band..."

That was four years ago and Alexx has always been there for me. They all have, the whole band knows every single detail about my life. They are my family. They are my friends.

They are everything that I need.

But things are about to change.

Author Note: I did no proof reading so there might be a ton of mistakes everywhere.

Call Me Sky was going to be a story and was not going to be written here, but..I'm really focusing at finishing a story I made from like a decade ago, aha sounds long.., that I never got to finish.

The story is called The Royalty, has to do with vampires, I made it when I was eight and worked on it up until a while ago. It still has never been finished it's about 200 pages front and back on paper. I found it while digging through papers since I am moving soon and I needed to clean my shit out. I have the plot down I know what is going to happen yet I hate the begining it is rushed and there are a lot of things wrong with the story that I'm working on fixing.

I'm keeping most of the same characters, some of the same lines, and some other things the same, but I am going to re-write it. I have to axe out a few characters since it won't make any sense since I wrote them in as if the characters in "The Royalty" knew the characters that I wrote, which you would not understand unless you read the story I wrote previously.

So it's just a huge mess which I am going to fix today. (:

You probably do not care..

Anyway, comment if you want to know more about Call Me Sky, or have more of a sneak peek. If even one person wants me to continue this story..I will.


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