Bite Me

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"Bite Me."  I pleaded. I sounded desperate, even I knew that, but I didn't care. I wanted this. Always have. Why couldn't they do this for me? I was helping them, keeping their secrets. I should get something in return.

"Please Bite Me."

His black eyes seemed to burn into my own. His pale skin glowed in the moonlight and I found myself wishing to run my fingers across his jaws. His voice cut into my thoughts.


Evangeline loves the night, the darkness, and the feel of mystery that came along with it. Evangeline grew up with a pair of parents who loved the night as well, they loved freedom, they loved life. 

As a small child she grew up with her parents telling her vampire stories instead of princess ones, so she never wanted a prince she wanted a vampire. 

In the small town that she lives in, a lot of things are not accepted, the way she dresses is scandolous. Who would dare to dress in black? Who would dare to dye their hair? And who would ever try stand out? She would. 

When a family moves in across the streets she becomes obsessed with them. They don't come out during the day, they're pale, and seem to not want anything to do with anyone else in the town. When Evangeline discovers there secret all she wants them to do is bite her. In return she will keep their secret, seems like a fair deal. Not to them, though.

But Evangeline won't give up, she won't tell anyone that they are vampires so there must be another way to get them to turn her.

She's desperate to have fangs in her mouth, to sleep in a coffin, to drink blood, to do everything that vampires do.

But what if everything she thought was true about vampires, wasn't will she still want to be one even if she finds herself in love with one?

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