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After the whole baby ordeal a lot of things had happened. And I mean a lot of things. So to make it easier to explain, I'm going to tell this in sections, starting with none other than Yuri and Otabek.

After Yuuri had turned back to normal, Yuri had actually gotten pretty close to him. Yuri now goes to Yuuri for advice all the time for whenever he's confused with Otabek. And almost all the time the advice works.

This happened for almost two years, and Yuri had even gotten used to the dad jokes they made (but he does yell sometimes). But one day Yuri had gone to Yuuri for some advice on something that's been troubling him for awhile. Otabek had been avoiding Yuri, and going to strange places without him and calling them "errands." When this started happening Yuri got real scared thinking that Otabek had been cheating on him.

But when Yuuri heard about what's been going on, he understood immediately. "Trust me, he's not cheating on you Yurio," Yuuri soothed, "I can't say what he is doing, but I think you'll be happy once it happens."

When Yurio had heard that from Yuuri, he didn't know what to think. What was Otabek planning for him? What did Yuuri mean? But even with those thoughts in head, he decided to take Yuuri's advice, he wasn't going to do anything drastic, in fear of making things worse.

And one day, a week from the advice, Otabek had sat Yuri down to talk to him about something. It was kind of awkward for the two, after all, they hadn't had a proper talk in almost two weeks. "So um, " Otabek started, "I just wanted to apologise for my absence." He said suddenly. Yuri looked up from his hands surprised at the sudden apology, "oh um, it's alright." Yuri muttered, stumbling upon his words.

Otabek shook his head, "no, and I want to make it up to you," he said reaching out for Yuri's hand. He rubbed Yuri's knuckles in a calming manner and smiled at him, "I got a reservation to your favorite restaurant and if you are willing to forgive me, would you be willing to go out with me tonight?" He asked hopefully.

Yuri thought to himself for a moment, but nodded, he needed a night out, and he was hoping to hear Otabek's reasoning. "Alright, I'll go. But on one condition," he stated, catching Otabek's attention. He raised his brow, "and what might that condition be?" Yuri smiled, "I want you to tell me why you've been avoiding me." He explained.

Otabek paused for a moment but nodded nonetheless, "trust me, you will see." He said before walking off to get changed, advising Yuri to do so as well.

Once the two were changed and ready they headed off to the restaurant as planned and began the night. For Yuri it was a lot of fun, but he could tell that Otabek was a little tense. He didn't know why, and it kind of scared him. Was this whole thing just an act to break up with him?

Yuri didn't know why he was emotional about it, but at one point he couldn't take not knowing what was going to happen, and flat out asked him, "What's going on?" Otabek was taken back by this question. "What do you mean," he asked. Yuri rolled his eyes, "I mean you still haven't told me why you were avoiding me? Do you hate me now?" Yuri exclaimed. He took a breath in, at an attempt to control his breathing, but he was so nervous. He didn't want to lose Otabek, he loved him so much. He didn't want it to end, he couldn't let it just end.

Otabek looked at Yuri surprised and then frantically shook his head, "no! Of course not!" He said grabbing Yuri's hand. "The thing is that I've been busy trying to make this night perfect for you," he explained, his face flushed. "Why would tonight have to be perfect?" Yuri asked obliviously.

Otabek took a deep breath in and pushed out his chair so he could stand up, he then walked over to where Yuri was sitting and took his hand into his and brought it up to his lips to kiss. Then as he lowered himself onto the ground he gave a small speech. "Ever since I met you when we were kids I just couldn't shake the idea of you off. Your eyes entranced me so deeply that when we were older I just had to find you, and when I did, I became so lucky to call you my best friend. But even when that would've been enough, you started to love and care about me like nobody else. You moved in with me, and adopted cats with me, you did so many things for and with me, and I want to do something in return. I want to promise to live everyday for you, and I'll do anything to make sure that you're happy because, Yuri Plisetsky, I love you."

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