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Chap 23: Reunion

Yuuri's POV

I sighed as I pulled the covers around me more securely. I kept on trying to get as much of the warm cloth on me as possible in hopes of a few more hours of sleep. For a reason I couldn't quite understand, I felt extremely tired. And my body was feeling pretty sore too. I groaned out of pain as I stretched my limbs, but as I felt the feeling of covers hitting my skin my eyes widened. I couldn't feel any clothes.

With a gasp I bolted up and looked down at my body, it was utterly clothesless. I blushed as I tried to think over what had happened to me the past night, but all I could remember was getting a drink from Victor and coming back home to sleep because I was feeling sick. The rest of it was to weird, so I just shrugged it off as a dream.

I couldn't help but feel a little worried at my memory loss, when I got drunk, I got drunk. And all my friends knew this. Heh, I even flirted with my current husband while drunk. I smiled as I thought of Victor and felt around the covers for him. From the looks of it I was in my bed, so I knew that he had to be around here somewhere. Once I didn't feel him in the covers though I took my hand off the bed and placed it on the night stand, and felt around for my glasses as I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes.

When I felt nothing on the table I groaned. It was like everything was disappearing on me. I rolled my eyes and felt lower on the table and opened the drawer and looked in, and sure enough my glasses were right there. But what stopped me was what was in there with it. Right next to my glasses was my wedding ring. I gasped as I checked my hand, immediately taking notice of the missing ring. When had I taken it off? Worry filled me as I picked up my beloved ring and slid it on my finger. I was relieved to see that it was safe, but I also couldn't help but get nervous over the fact that I hadn't known it's location.

I stared down at the golden band for a moment and smiled, through all those weird dreams I had dreamt last night, the one at the end was the best. It was my wedding day, just looking at the ring made me relive it once again. Warmth spread through me quickly as I remembered every word in his vows, each one holding onto so much meaning. Still thinking of the memory I grabbed my glasses and placed them on my face, immediately making my vision a lot clearer. I then decided that there was no point in trying to go back to sleep, so with the covers tied around my waist I went to get some clothes.

Of course the clothes I chose though was my favorite blue shirt and my really comfy pair of black sweatpants that fit me just right, and just in case you were concerned at all, yes I was wearing underwear.

I smiled at the fuzzy fabric against my legs and quickly grabbed a pair of fuzzy blue socks that Victor had gotten me at random saying, "It's nice to treat your husband every-now-and-again." I shook my head and slid the socks on and then patted down the strands of hair that stood up. It was weird for me to be so concerned about my looks, but I just really wasn't in the mood to look horrible in front of my god of a husband.

Once I was okay with my look I then slowly headed for the door, my hand silently resting on the handle. For a moment I shivered, I felt like I'd done this before, and as I went to twist the knob I was for some reason confused on how easy it was. The door opened quickly and I squinted as even more light blinded me. I squeezed my eyes shut as I wiped them a few times, before getting used to the light.

But as I got used to it I started to see my surroundings. Phichit, Celestino, Otabek, Yurio, and Victor were just staring at me. Victor was on the couch and looked as though he'd been telling a story, and Phichit, Celestino, and Yurio looked as though they were listening. And Otabek was in the kitchen doing what looked to be making everyone coffee.

Looking at the room and everyone, most people would like the nice and calm feel to the room. But what made me think differently though, was the silence.

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