Pichit and adorable clothes

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Chap 4: Pichit and adorable clothes (unedited)

I took Yuri and brought him back to the couch and sat him down on my lap when I felt my pocket vibrate. I took out my phone to see that Yuri was calling me, I pressed answer on the call and the screen displayed Yurio and Otabek smiling devilishly for some reason. Yuri was looking at the screen and I took him off my lap and set him down on the couch so that he couldn't see. "Hey Victor guess what we found?" Yurio said in a excited tone, "what did you find?" I ask. They pulled up a pig onesie, "is this great or what?" he said happily. I looked at Yuri and back at them, "it's perfect, did you get anything else?" Yuri nodded, "yeah I made sure to get a lot of other things for him" he said holding up a bunch of other outfits. I nod, "alright please hurry over, we'll change him and then head over to Pichit's" the two nod and end the call. I turn to Yuri who was pouting for some reason, "you're too cute Yuri" I said picking him back up and letting him rest once again on my chest. He quickly fell asleep and soon I couldn't help but fall asleep as well.

The sound of giggling and snapping pictures woke me from my nap and in front of my eyes I saw a laughing Yuri and a smirking Otabek. Quickly I got up, forgetting that Yuri was on my chest he ended up falling on my lap making him start to cry in surprise. My eyes widened and I quickly picked him up and pat his back trying to calm him down, I glared at the two and shook my head at them. Yuri rolled his eyes and took out a shirt and pants for Yuri. The shirt was a plain blue and yellow shirt with a large 'Y' in the middle, and the pants were just dark blue sweat pants.

After Yuri managed to calm down we decided that we should change him when we realized that we would have to take his clothes off so Yuri and Otabek left with the words, "I would rather drop dead than that". I rolled my eyes at the two and decided to start changing him into the clothes. It's not like I'm seeing anything new.

After he was changed I couldn't help but smile at how adorable he looked, "hey guys I'm done changing him!" I yell and the two come back in with new outfits. Yuri was wearing a black t-shirt and black leggings and Otabek was wearing a black tank top and dark grey sweats. Yuri's hair had grown a lot since I married Yuri, it's past his shoulders in fact. He had a piece of his hair in the front braided and Otabek, whose hair has grown as well, was in a bun on the back of his head. The stopped at the doorway and I got up and handed Yuri to them, "hold him while I change" I say and leave before they can protest.  (picture is up above)

I quickly get changed into my RU jacket and black jeans, a pair of nice black shoes and I did a quick comb through my hair. I walked out to see Yurio distressing about everything Yuri was doing and Yuri staring at him in Otabek's arms. I laughed slightly and took Yuri from Otabek's arms and started to the door, "come on" I say opening the door. I walk out the door and sigh, how is Pichit going to react?

"IS THAT A BABY" Pichit yelled once we arrived. He immediately took out his phone and started to take pictures of Yuri. I nod, "Yeah it is a baby, and we don't know how to take care of him" I say and he grabs Yuri and pulls him inside. I look back to Yurio and Otabek and they shrug, I walk inside and Pichit took Yuri and ran over to Celestino, "look! It's a baby!" Pichit says excitedly to Celestino. His eyes widen, "agreed it is" he says smiling taking Yuri from Pichits arm, "isn't he adorable" he said smiling down at Yuri. I walk over and Pichit turns to me, "what's his name?" he asked eyes glittering. I turn to Yurio and Otabek once again and they turn away from me, I sighed, "that's Yuri" I say blantly. They pause, "What?" they say in unison. I chuckle, "well by accident I gave Yuri a drink that turned him into an infant" I say quietly. "HOW DOES A DRINK DO THAT?!?" Pichit says yelling at me, "well your question is as good as mine" I say shrugging, "all I know is that Yuri is now an infant for a week". Celestino looked down at the baby in his arms, "it does look like Yuri" he said picking him up to inspect him better. I sigh and walk over to them and take Yuri from them, "we don't know how to take care of babies so could you please help us. We don't want to take him out anywhere because then the whole world will know and it will cause ruckus. We hoped that possibly you could help us get him food or help us with ways to take care of him?" I plead to them, "so please, at least consider"  I say a bit quietly. Pichit raised his eyebrow and put his hand on his hip, "are you serious?" he said making me hopes drop, "Of course I will! I love kids!!" he said running over to me and grabbing Yuri from me again. He twirled with Yuri in his arms, "we owe you so much" I say smiling. He shook his head, "No payment, All I want is permission to take pictures" he said. I smirked and went up to him, "we got Yuri a pig onesie, you can pictures of him in that" his eyes brightened, "DEAL!".

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