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I sat across from Dr. Wells on the couch in her office. Beyoncé sat a few feet away. I was extremely uncomfortable and nobody was saying anything.

Dr. Wells cleared her throat. Thank you God. "So, Isabella, how are you doing today?" She asked. I'm not going to lie, she seemed like a nice woman and all, but I have a thing with therapists. Gina tried to send me to one when I was ten, and let me tell you, that did not go well. I just don't like telling other people my business. Especially now, cause of my 'celebrity status' or whatever. Beyoncé and Jay were always telling me to be super careful with who I shared information with, yet they expect me to talk to a complete stranger about something extremely personal. Oooo Kay.

"I'm fine." I replied dryly. I really did not want to do this today. I wanted to go home and take a nap! Maybe eat a little something too because I'm kinda hungry. I did miss lunch, after all.

"That's good." Dr. Wells smiled. I smiled back because I didn't want to be rude. "I heard you had an incident at school today." I groaned internally. There Beyoncé goes telling my business. "Would you like to talk to me about that?"

"Not really." I said honestly. I felt Beyoncé nudge my arm. "Hey, ow!" I frowned at her.

"Beyoncé," Dr. Wells looked at Bey. "Maybe you should wait outside for a little while. I think I should talk to Bella," She glanced at me, "Can I call you Bella?" I nodded and she continued. "I think I should speak with Bella alone. Is that okay with you?" She looked at me again.

"Yes." I replied. It was half true, I wanted Beyoncé there but then again I didn't. Some things I was comfortable with speaking about, but not this. Especially with my mom in the room. No thanks.

Beyoncé didn't look too thrilled with the idea but she got up anyway. "I'll be just down the hall baby." She told me, leaning down to kiss my cheek. I nodded and she left.


"One of my favorite singers is Mary J too." Dr. Wells told me with a smile. "I love the little dances she'll be doing."

I laughed and nodded my head in agreement. We've been talking about nothing for twenty minutes, which I'm assuming is Dr. Wells way of trying to make me feel more comfortable. It's kinda working though, so whatever.

"So Bella," Here we go, "Let's just start with something simple, okay? I won't ask you anything too complex yet. I'll try to keep it light."

I nodded. My palms were starting to sweat a little. "Okay." I was playing it cool but I was nervous as hell. I'm pretty sure Dr. Wells knows too, so I'm not really sure why I'm trying to hide it.

"How do you like living with Beyoncé and Shawn?" She asked. I looked at her in confusion for a second before it clicked. Sometimes I forget dad's name is really Shawn cause nobody calls him that. Oh well.

"I like it a lot." I told her honestly. "At first I wasn't really up to it, but I've gotten more used to their lifestyle now. Plus I have a little sister and I've always wanted one, so that's cool too." I smiled.

"Why weren't you up to it at first?" Dr. Wells asked. I thought for a moment before answering.

"Because I was in denial. I didn't want to believe everything that was happening. It didn't seem real." I chuckled softly and shook my head. "First I get shot, then I find out I was kidnapped, and that my actual parents are two of the biggest celebrities in the world. It was a lot to take in, and I had barely any time to process everything. It was hard."

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