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I slowly put down the phone in shock. I had just received a phone call that I knew would change mine and Bey's life forever. I was just thankful we hadn't left for New York yet, and we were still at the hotel in Atlanta. Turns out our baby girl was only a car ride away.

Shit, I gotta find Beyoncé.

I left our bedroom and jogged down the hallway to the living room portion of our suite. I figured she be in there, since Bey liked to spend most of her downtime watching reality tv and snacking on junk food shit.

"Beyoncé," I called out, immediately earning her attention. I rarely called her by her full name unless it was something serious, and in this case, it was.

Bey set her bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and stood up, walking over to me. "What's wrong?" She asked. I could tell she was worried.

I sighed and leaned down to kiss the small furrow between her brows. It had deepened over the years from her constant worrying, my baby was always worried about something.

I needed to tell her the news, but I wasn't sure how.

"Bey, I need to tell you something. Listen to me carefully, aight?" Beyoncé nodded and gripped my biceps tightly. That worried look didn't leave her face; I was hoping after she heard what I had to say it would be gone for good. "Detective Union just called."

"What?" Beyoncé asked softly. The small glint of hope in her eyes made me sigh, I just prayed to God everything would turn out the way it should. I couldn't handle seeing my girl hurt again.

When it first happened, Beyoncé was devastated. She wouldn't eat, she wouldn't sleep, all she would do was cry and blame herself. She wouldn't let me touch her because she had convinced herself that I hated her, she wouldn't speak to me or our family and friends. Her depression spiraled out of control and she wouldn't let anyone help her deal with it. It's hard, man, seeing someone you love fall apart like that.

I nodded slowly and brought my hand up to caress Bey's face. I loved her so much, man. I didn't think it was possible to love someone this damn much. "They found her, baby."

Beyoncé's eyes widened and I felt her grip tighten. I felt my own eyes get teary when Bey started crying. It wasn't just a soft cry either, Bey was letting everything out.

"Shhh," I shushed her and wrapped my arms tightly around her body. Beyoncé buried her face in my neck as she sobbed loudly. "I gotchu baby."

We had come full circle, except now these were tears of joy. I held Beyoncé close to me and thought back to when her tears were full of pain and agony instead.


My eyes were swollen and red from crying. I could confidently say that I've never cried so hard in my life until today. I looked over at my girl and sighed. She's been a mess since we arrived at the police station nearly five hours ago. Our baby was gone, and she blamed herself. I couldn't do shit to convince her otherwise.

"Beyoncé," I murmured, gently grabbing her arm. She was curled into a ball in the chair next to me, crying hysterically with her head in her hands. "Baby, let me hold you." I pleaded. I would do anything to make her feel better, man. This shit was so fucked up. We ain't deserve this.

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