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I woke up with my head resting on Jay's bare chest. He hadn't been lying when he said I would be all his when we got back–
I was sore and exhausted. We literally went at it all night long.

I glanced over my shoulder at the clock and smiled when I saw the time. It was only eight-thirty. I turned back around and snuggled further into my husband's arms, enjoying this moment of peace and serenity.

"Good morning."

I looked up and saw Jay staring down at me. I grinned and lifted myself up to meet his lips. "Good morning, baby." I murmured, laughing when he pulled me to lay directly on top of him. I buried my face in his neck and sighed as his hands trailed down my naked body.

"I wore you out, huh?" Jay chuckled when my soft moans turned into a loud yawn.

I laughed, nodding. "Maybe a little. You did keep me up all night, babe."

"I know, I know." Jay kissed my temple before rolling out from under me. I groaned and reached out for him. "I'm gonna order room service while you shower." He told me while grabbing his robe. "You want sausage or bacon?"

I thought for a moment. "Both?"

Jay shook his head, chuckling lightly. "I should've known." I laughed and so did he. "Get cleaned up, I'll meet you in the living room." He smiled, kissing me gently and smacking my ass before walking away.

I quickly handled my business in the bathroom, going through my usual routine of washing my body and hair. Afterwards I threw on a robe identical to Jay's and met him in the living room, where our breakfast was waiting. Thank God, because we definitely worked up an appetite.

I caught sight of the sausage and bacon and licked my lips. There's nothing a southern girl loves more than some meat. (wink wink).

"Have you called Blue yet?" I asked Jay as he handed me a plate. Every morning, if we weren't with our baby, we would FaceTime her to tell her good morning and ask her about her night. It was something we'd been doing since she was a baby. Communication is key, especially with your children.

Jay shook his head no while I dug into this bomb ass food. "I was waiting on you. I told Mama T we'd call after we ate, so she'll be expecting it."

I nodded. "Okay." We ate in a comfortable silence before I remembered my conversation with Kelly last night. "Kelly was wanting to get away for a bit, her and Tim are taking a trip to St Tropez and suggested we go with them."

Jay nodded as I spoke. "When?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, she just said in the next few weeks. I told her we'd have to check our schedules first."

"Well I'm down if you are. I think a vacation would be good for us, we could use a little break." Jay smiled softly and grabbed my hand. I knew he was referring to the nightmares I started having again; it was something that occurred whenever I thought about Cassandra too much. My therapist said my stress causes the nightmares, so I tried to relax more, but that didn't stop me from having them.

"Yeah... you're right." I agreed. "And Blue does love the ocean." I added, thinking aloud. My baby was only 7, but she was wise beyond her years. She would complain about having such a hard day at school, mind you she's only in the second grade, and suggest we take a vacation so she could recollect herself. Recollect herself. Blue's entertaining to us, to say the least. And I absolutely adore her.

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