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I opened my eyes and immediately shut them. It was wayyyyy too fucking bright in this room. Wait, where the hell was I? I thought back to what I remembered happening last. Closing up the store, walking home, gun shots and– oh yeah, I was shot. Well shit, I must be in the hospital. But how did I get here?

I tried reopening my eyes slowly and allowed them to adjust to the brightness of the room. I felt a headache coming on and my shoulder hurt like a bitch. Getting shot was no joke, that's why I tried so hard to stay away from the gang bullshit going on. I've never been shot before this, and I sure as hell don't ever want to be shot again.

I was pissed. I was minding my business, I literally had no reason whatsoever to get shot. It was a senseless drive by, I don't even think those assholes had a reason to fire, but they did. I knew I couldn't do anything about it, but I was still mad as hell. Fuck them.

"Dr. Jones, she's awake." I heard someone say. I squinted as I looked around the room for the person speaking, and frowned when my eyes landed on a short white lady a few seconds later.

"How'd I get here?" I asked hoarsely. Gross, I sound like shit. I was thankful when the woman handed me a glass of water and drank it quickly, hoping to soothe my sore throat.

"You were brought in late last night. A little after midnight." She informed me. I stared up at the ceiling as I wondered who found me. I was hiding in an alley, after all.

I doubt I would ever find out, though.

"Is my mom here?" I asked as another woman walked into the room, followed by what I assumed was the doctor. This other chick was dressed differently though, instead of the white coat thing they had going on, she was wearing a power suit. Hmm. If she was here to get info on the shooting, I couldn't help much. All I know is that they were driving a black SUV and firing their guns for no damn reason.

"That's actually what I'm here to talk to you about." Powersuit lady stated while approaching me. I raised a brow and cocked my head at her.

"Ookay." I stared her down while waiting for her to start explaining.

She cleared her throat and extended her hand to me. "Before we continue, my name is Detective Union. I've been working your case for the past thirteen years."

"My what?" What the hell was she talking about?

Realizing I wasn't going to shake her hand, Detective Union lowered it and stared at me cautiously. Well shit, that didn't make me feel any better. "Miss Carter–"

"Uh, my last name is Johnson." I quickly corrected. Who the hell is Miss Carter? Was this a case of mistaken identity? Someone better not be fucking with my credit!

Detective Union looked at me funny. "O-kay," she sighed and took a seat in the chair next to my bed. I frowned. Why'd she have to get so close? I don't know her like that. "Honey, who have you been living with for the past thirteen years?" She asked.

What kind of question was that? "My mom." I stated as if it were obvious. I mean, who else would I be living with?

Detective Union seemed a little taken aback, but nevertheless nodded and pulled out a notepad. "And what is your mother's name?"

"What are you writing?" I wasn't answering her questions until someone told me what the fuck was going on.

"What is your mother's name?" Detective Union repeated, staring at me expectantly.

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