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Dr. Rays held her clipboard down and smiled at me, lowering her voice as she spoke. "Mrs. Carter, are you aware that you are currently six weeks pregnant?"

My mouth fell open and my eyes widened slightly. "Excuse me?"

Hell no. No, no, no. This was terrible timing.

Dr. Rays nodded and handed me a sheet of paper. "Yep, six weeks. Those are your results." She nodded towards the sheet and I shook my head.

"This can't be right." I mumbled to myself. Of course I loved my children, and adding another to the family was somewhere in the plan for Jay and I..... but not now. Especially not now. Jay and I aren't even together, this was the worst possible timing.

But, deep down, I knew I wanted to have this baby. I adore my babies now, and although it wasn't planned, I'll love this one just as much. I'll just have to figure out the time and place to tell Jay the news. There's so much going on in our lives right now, both personal and career wise. I wanted to mend our relationship before even considering having another child, but as you can see, things don't always go as planned. I wasn't going to compromise on my forgiveness, but I would be more considerate to Jay's romantic gestures and listen to his apologies with a more open mind.

"Mrs. Carter?" I looked up at Dr. Rays and smiled wearily. I forgot that we were in the middle of a conversation. "Is everything alright?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yes, thank you." I smiled again and subconsciously rested my hand on my stomach. I didn't even bother asking her to keep the news between us, because she already signed a disclosure agreement. I doubt she would risk her career and millions of dollars over my pregnancy.

"Can we move onto Isabella's appointment now?" I asked, walking ahead of Dr. Rays. She quickly caught up.

"Yes, of course." Dr. Rays nodded and followed me back to the examination room. As promised, I stood by Bella's side and did my best to distract her while she got her shots. It was a little more difficult than I thought it would be, mainly because I was too busy thinking about my pregnancy to do much for her.

I couldn't help but wonder, would this be a bigger problem when the baby is born? I just got Bella back a few months ago, I didn't want to neglect her or give her any less attention than she was already getting. Having to split my time between her and Blue is already difficult, but between three kids? A teenager, a newborn baby, and a seven year old?

Jesus help me.



I walked through the back doors of the club and followed the bouncer up a private staircase. I kept my shades on as I examined the area, I ain't been around here in years and I wasn't trying to risk anything. Goldie was my boy, but I didn't know his intentions. People change. I think I knew that more than anyone.

"Right here, Mr. Carter." The bouncer stood beside the door and nodded his head inside. I straightened my tie and rubbed my hands together as I walked through the threshold, being sure to keep my guard up at all times. I knew some sketchy shit went down here in the past, hell I was involved with some of it. But like I said before, that was years ago. I've got a wife and two kids to think about, I can't make any selfish decisions tonight. It's all about logic.

FOUND  [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora