¢нαρтєя 10 // яєαℓιzαтισи

Start from the beginning

It made me frown even though it was just a joke. Kousei seems to stare a lot at Kaori.

"I didn't! I didn't lust over you!" Kousei said defensively.

"Well I sure did!" Watari busts in. I chuckled.

"But hey, that was a shock." Watari said, "You don't show up, and the next thing we hear, you're in the hospital"

"It was shock for me too" Kaori replied, "I mean, I stumbled, and hit my head, and then.... Blood came gushing out! In spurts, you know! In spurts! I was so stunned!" Kaori said playfully waving her arms in the air.

"My parents totally lost it and sent me right to the hospital." Kaori explained. "And now we're all caught up. Oh, the fig tart for me!" Kaori said her eyes sparkling. "I've always tired easily, but lately, I've had to expand a lot of energy,so I guess I pushed myself to hard." She said and took a bite of the pie.


She's expanding energy as she eats, I thought, I'm sure Kousei did too.

"I brought you some books, too! You've got nothing to do in here, right!" Watari said raising his bag making all sorts of book fall from his bag.

"Are these books from the library? Did you bring them without permission?" Tsubaki asked shocked.

"Yeah, he totally stole those books" I said.

"There are some about music, too" Watari said completely ignoring me and Tsubaki.

"What she gonnna do with a ton of books?" I asked looking at Watari my eyebrow raised.

"What's the problem?" Watari asked shrugging.

"Well, Kaori will come back to school by the second semester" I said and Kaori nodded in agreement. They smiled.

We talked for awhile more until they needed to leave. I wanted to stay for Kaori.

"Alright, Kaori-chan. Let's hook up in our dreams, ok?" Watari said, waving goodbye.

"Oh shut up" Tsubaki said with a smug look on her face. "Bye, Bye!". And they left. Kaori smile was replaced with a frown.

"I don't have time to read all these" Kaori said sadly and grabbed one of the books, she smiled.

I smiled sadly.

"Kaori-chan? Have your friends gone home?" Her nurse asked and I waved. She smiled at me.

"They left already, you can start testing on her" I answered for Kaori.

After the test, I layed down on the couch that was just placed earlier there for me to lay down. My eyelids slowly grew heavy and I fell asleep.


Kousei's POV

"Today's th festival, huh?" Kaori asked while I looked out od the window.

"Yeah" I asnwered.

"Don't stand there, have a seat" Kaori said.

"Uh, okay" I answered. "No, on second thought I'll stand"

"You sure are fidgety. Suspicious, much?"

"I don't like hospitals. And I came here to look for Y/N, and visit you aswell. She didn't come to school and I got worried."

"She fell asleep here in the weekend. She never leaves my side, she's scared. She thinks she'll lose me..." Kaori said glancing at Y/N who's asleep on the couch. "She stays up, I can tell, she makes sure I fell asleep. She doesn't even need to do that." Kaori said with a sigh, worried about Y/N's condition.

I was deep in my thought

You're gonna be okay, right?

You're not lying about being tested, right?

You're not gonna tell me you're never coming back to school, right?

You're gonna start cussing me out again, right?

We can talk in the music room again, right?

"You..-" I was cut off.

"Watari-kun was just here." Kaori said, "This is what he brought me."


"I had no idea. I heard you played alone at the gala concert?" Kaori said in disbelief, "Watari-kun told me about it." She explained.

"Uh, yeah" I said and simply nodded.

She started laughing, "The accompanist playing a solo? That's unheard of! What kind of show-off are you? It was a gala concert for violinist, so it doesn't make any sense!" tears started to pricked on her eyes from laughter. "Don't make me laugh! Are you an idiot? My sides are splitting!"

My eye twitched in annoyance, "Whose fault was it?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"What do you mean? Anyone would've expected you ti withdraw." Kaori said.

"At first.... It was because someone insulted you." I said sadly. "But then midway through, the sound disappeared... My mom's words, her gestures, her smell... My memories of my mother turned into notes, and flew away im the sky."

"I see..." Kaori said softly. "You're an artist no matter what, aren't you? Kousei Arima..."

Yeah... Just as I thought... That song.. She chose that sing for me.

Love's Sorrow. This song reminds me of my mother. The scent of fabric softener.

The sound of the piano as I looked up drowsily.

A quite lullaby.

The smell of antiseptic.

Footsteps ringing.

A linoleum floor, cloudy and white

All overlapping with you.

"I wish I could've heard it, your piano." Kaori said snapping me out of my thoughts.

You're okay, right?

"I wish I could've played with you again" tears pricked her eyes.

You're gonna be fine, right?

That made me realize, all the worrying. This feelings....


I Like Kaori, More Than Just A Friend.


Bummer. I'm the worst person. Sorry the story will really be like that!

Thank you guys! We reached half a thousand! Thank you for the ones that votes or just even sticking to the story! You guys are awesome readers hope you'll stick to the book till the end!

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