Cora tells Regina to leave the Underworld

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In season 5 Cora told Regina But I do have unfinished business And that would be you you don't have to worry about me I'll always worry about you I want you to be happy Then help me find Hook and get out of here It's too dangerous You need to leave now I promised my friends I would help Your friends Your family They're what's holding you back Sweetheart you must do what's best for you I am No, you're not And if you won't I'll see to it that you do It wasn't easy, but I've arranged for a boat to take you home It departs in one hour Take Henry, take your thief, and go before it's too late Mother I can't You must I know I know it's hard to put aside all suspicion after how I raised you but, Regina do you remember the last thing I said to you before I died? That I would have been enough You would have been It just took me too long to realize it Don't make the same mistake Go what would happen if I stayed? Sometimes a mother has to do what's best for her child, even if it's reprehensible Are you threatening me? Oh, no No, of course not I never But there's something I have to show you

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