Nick the Snake Charmer and Tommy the Snek Scarer

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Nick: *is sitting on the couch, a basket on his lap which has a cobra in it*

Ashlie: *walks down the stairs* So you're trying to get into snake charming?

Nick: I don't need lessons. *smiles*

Dawn: Really?

Cory: How about you do it now?

Nick: *chuckles as he places the basket on the floor* Hey snake.

Snake: *stands up from the basket*

Nick: You're cute as hell fam.

Snake: *insert kawaii desu blush* SSSSSSSSSSStop it. *goes back to basket*

Uni: *staring at the basket*

Ashlie: *Ashlie.exe stopped working*

Cory: *mind shatters into a million pieces*

Dawn: *he cannot process what just happened so he blew up*

Tommy: *walks out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn and sits in front of the basket* Hey snake.

Snake: *stands up*

Tommy: *with a really huge smile, lets his nose touch the snout of the snake and whispers* listen bud, i've had my fair share of seeing someone that i like fancy someone else and i don't need one more person to actually kill out of the need to vent out

Snek: *is intimidated that he turned to snek* Mlem.... *hides back in the basket*

Nick: *sees Tommy's smile* Tommy... you aight...?

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