The Laws of Science

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Uni: *is still awake in his bed, staring at the ceiling as he is contemplating whether to wake Dawn up*

Dawn: *is sleeping beside Uni's bed because they're roomies lmao*

Uni: Dawn?

Dawn: *powers on* Yes?

Uni: You've heard of Murphy's Law, right?

Dawn: Yes. Why?

Uni: It states that anything that can go wrong will go wrong, but have you heard of Cole's Law?

Dawn: *pauses because he's searching for Cole's Law in his own Google lmao* No. What is it?

Uni: It's thinly sliced cabbage.


Uni: Dawn? *turns to face Dawn*

Dawn: *is facing Uni with his arm cannon pointed at him* Did you just fucking wake me up at 2 in the goddamn morning to make a joke about fucking coleslaw?

Uni: *is sweating profusely*

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