Chapter 1

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Jimin took the last of his clothes out the final moving box and hung them in his wardrobe. He sat down on the sofa, the brown leather cool to his touch. He hoped moving back to Busan might be better for him and that he might be able to finally get better.

The apartment wasn't anything special, yeah it's small and a little rundown but it's good enough to live in. It's located in the quieter parts of Busan, it meant he had to get a fifteen-minute train to school but it also meant it would be quieter than living near the centre of Busan.

He dragged himself off the sofa, plodding the few steps to his bed he laid on top. After failing to sleep he stared at the ceiling, he began to think of tomorrow and what it might hold.

1. Get up, get dressed and walk to train station

2. Catch the train

3. Talk to the headmaster

4. Sit through the lessons

5. Make it back home, preferably in one piece

Other thoughts like how should he wear his uniform, what if people talk to him and how should he react bombard him. He could feel panic spread throughout him, he started to shake.

"N-No, Please N-not today" Jimin pleaded, he felt the tears start to fall as loud sobs racked is body and he could feel himself sink into his pit of self-hated, mistrust and doubt.

Remember the tactics she taught you Jimin he kept trying to remind himself, through raspy breaths Jimin staggered around the apartment he knew today the tactics wouldn't work, he moved towards the living room to sit on the window ledge and stare outside in hopes he would calm in his own time. Making his way around the couch a silver light caught his eye, he knew it was wrong, he knew he shouldn't do it, yet it called to him he made his way over to the source of light and grabbed for the object. He stumbled quickly towards his bedroom and promptly sat on the bed, back against the headboard his knees tucked under his chin still clutching the object.

Jimin sat there for a long while contemplating whether or not to drop the object or bring it closer to himself.

The small throbbing sensations in Jimin's head started to become more noticeable and Jimin knew he was coming back to reality. Before he could start to process everything his eyelids started to droop and almost instantly he welcomed it. There he lay with a tear stained face and the object loosely held in his grip, he fell into a deep sleep.

A/N I'll slowly update again, not much has changed just a few punctuation checks and tense changes in the correct place.

Other than that the story has stayed the same, I hope this makes it easier to read!

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