Chapter 33

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Connie's POV

I knew this would be good for the both of us. The beautiful west coast beaches were just what we both needed to cope with our failing relationships and to bring us closer together. Last night was definitely a step in the right direction. When Jeffrey came into my office telling me that Harper ran into the house crying, I nearly ran all the way to her room despite wearing heels. I had burst through her door and found her crumpled into a ball on her bed, sobbing her heart out. I sat down on her bed next to her and rested my hand on her shoulder. "Honey, what's wrong?" I had asked her. In response, she had leaped up from her position and wrapped her arms around me. "Mom, I need you," she sobbed into my shoulder. I felt my heart melt and I held her tightly to me. This was the first time she had ever called me mom.

"Are you ready to go, sweetie?" I called out to Harper. She was standing and staring out at our mansion, taking one last long look at her childhood home, before turning around and walking to the car, her gray hoodie and hair covering most of her sorrowful face. She sat in the passenger seat of her car, and I rounded to the driver's seat. As I started the car, I heard her ask me, "Hey, where's Jeffrey? He never came to say goodbye."

I resisted the urge to purse my lips or to scowl, instead keeping a very stable facial expression, giving away nothing. "Oh, he had some family issues he had to take care of. He informed me that he had to quit and then left to go settle his matters." Harper nodded her head, seeming to accept this as a reasonable explanation. If only she knew what had really happened...

The Night Before

I had just came from Harper's room, and I went down towards where Jeffrey's room was located. I had a lot to thank him for. After all, from what Harper had told me, he had been there for her a lot despite his unwillingness to speak. I had stopped short of his door, however, when I heard his voice through the opened door.

"Yes, everything is going completely to plan," Jeffrey said, almost as if he were resisting the urge to laugh. "That was perfect, man! I mean, I thought it'd be a lot harder to get him to screw up... yeah, it wasn't hard to reveal all that information to Harper without her knowing it was coming from me... oh, yeah. that doofus Noah screwed up one too many times, and Harper came home in tears... well, that took a bit of an unexpected turn, but don't worry, I have a backup plan... no, I'm not stupid! I blocked his phone number while she and Connie were talking, so he won't get the chance to reconcile... I'm just going to go into Harper's room and play the knight in shining armor. Who know? I might even get a little nighttime reward, if you know what I mean..."

I couldn't listen to any more of it. I couldn't believe that I had a man like this working in my house so close to my daughter. I walked into the doorway and stood with my arms crossed, the only sign of my internal outrage being my raised eyebrow and set jawline. As Jeffrey was laughing at what the person on the other side of the line said, he turned and his eyes set on me. A look of shock came over his face, followed by a look of regret.

"Hey, I have to call you back," he said as he ended his call, his cheeks flaming red. He slipped his phone into his pocket and looked me in the eye. "I'm so fired, aren't I?"

Present Day

After catching him, I forced him to explain to me his entire nice, quiet and reserved facade. I have to say, I was impressed with how well he hid his real self, straight down to the blushing. He was to never contact Harper again, or I would make sure he never works in this town again.

By the end of my recalling last night, we had reached the airport. I was very worried about Harper and how quiet she had been, but I understood how hard it is for her. That's why I didn't question her when she said she wanted to move to California and spend the rest of her senior year there. I only hope that I'm making the right decision for her. I know that California will be great on her, and it will be a great escape from my divorce with Steve, but will running away from our problems be okay for her?

We unloaded our luggage and walked through the front doors of the airport. Harper sat in the waiting area with her headphones on while I sorted out our flight and such. Once everything was ready, I sat down next to her and checked my phone. My lawyer had sent me a text, wishing me a nice flight and asking me to call him when I land. I had told him my situation, so he had withheld any legal information and was going to wait until I was settled to proceed with my divorce case. I had to admit, he was very good at his job. He also was not that bad of a man, but I'm not really in a position to do anymore than acknowledge that.

Our flight was being called, so I grabbed as much of our luggage as I could while Harper rolled her suitcase with her free hand. We began to walk when someone started calling Harper's name. I turned to see Noah and another boy making their way over. Harper took a deep breath and stared at Noah until he came close enough to speak.

"Harper," he started. "I'm so sorry I didn't make it in enough time yesterday. Landon told me what really happened in the car that day, and I know now that it wasn't your fault she died, and I'm so sorry I blamed you. But I'm here now, and I want us to work everything out, but we can't do that if you're in California. So please, please stay."

Noah pulled Harper close and leant his forehead against hers. "Please stay," he begged softly. I took a deep breath and waited to hear her say what we all knew she was going to. I'd have to leave to California alone. Harper smiled softly and sniffled as tears fell down her cheeks. "I'm sorry, but no."

My eyes widened in shock, as did Noah's. "What?" Noah asked in shock. Harper took a deep breath and placed her hand on his chest, pushing him away enough to see into his eyes. "Noah," she started, her voice wavering. "You lied to me, over and over again. And every time I forgave you. Yet, when your mother died, you blamed me and never spoke to me again, and you didn't even try to see me until Landon told you what happened. You never tried to forgive me. I would be a fool to go back to that kind of relationship. I'm going to California, and hopefully I'll forget all about you. And one day, when I'm ready to be in a relationship again, I'll be with someone who loves me just as much as I love them, someone who's willing to put an effort in."

Harper pushed herself away from Noah, grabbed the handle of her suitcase, and began walking, leaving Noah behind. As I followed and eventually caught up to her, I knew. I am doing the right thing for her.

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