Chapter 14

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Harper's POV

When I walked in the door, the house was silent. Not that it ever wasn't, but it just felt... odd. To think there could be so much turmoil in such a quiet house.

I walked to the dining room, and found Steve and Connie there. They were eating silently across the table from each other. I sat down at the very end of the table, closest to the door.

Jeffrey must have noticed that I came home, because he came in through the door that leads to the kitchen and set down a plate in front of me. He gave me an apologetic smile, obviously knowing what was going on in our family. I smiled back with a slow nod. Jeffrey and I have always communicated this way. Besides Noah and Lucy, he's one of my closest friends. I just don't get to see him very often. He's always too busy.

As Jeffrey left, Connie and Steve finally turned their heads towards me. Connie's expression had concern written all over it. Steve's looked warm and apologetic. They knew.

I began eating the soup before me, remembering to keep my back straight. If I waited long enough, one of them would voice their opinions. The question is, which one?

Connie looked down at her soup, her eyebrows scrunched. She's thinking... she'll be the first to say something.

Connie returned to her ever-present poise, and looked over at me. "How much did you hear?"

I wondered if my panic had caused a ruckus, and that's how they knew. Either that, or one of the maids, maybe even one of the cooks, came to my parents and informed them I had left frantically. "I'm sorry, Connie, but I do not understand," I said with a curious tilt to my head, feigning innocence. "How much did I hear about what?"

Connie looked at me, first with annoyance, then with a little pride. She pointed her spoon at me, saying, "If you hadn't played that off so well, I would be very displeased right now. However, I invented the innocence game, so I know you heard. Do share with us how much you overheard."

I knew by her tone that she wasn't offering for me to tell. I set my spoon down and folded my hands on the table. I'm not giving in that easily. "I heard quite a bit, I'll tell you that." I watched her face closely, seeing if I was pushing too far. Steve was very annoyed with my behaviour, but Connie was conflicted with whether she should be proud or irritated. I decided not to push my limits further.

"Are you two planning on telling me the reason behind this suggested divorce?" I asked, giving them a hint of how much I had heard. Connie seemed satisfied with my answer, and Steve rubbed his eyes in an exhausted manner.

"Sugar bean, we wanted to talk things out and decide whether or not that's going to happen first," Steve explained. I could feel my anger rising, so I decided to handle this Connie-style.

"I appreciate your concern for my welfare," I said. "But I am capable of handling the fact of you two divorcing."

"Oh, you are," Steve scoffed. "It sure doesn't seem like it, seeing that you freaked out and ran out of the house!"

"That," I said cooly. "Was to clear my head and understand things fully. Exercise helps the brain focus. So I went for a run."

"Oh, drop the high and mighty act!" Steve ordered angrily. I looked at him with a cool stare.

"Steve, I'm not a little girl anymore. Stop sugarcoating things because you think it's going to help me!" I demanded, rising out of my seat. "Now, you two both need to quit using me as an excuse to stay together and play nobility. If you don't love each other, then fine!"

"It's not that simple," Connie said calculatedly. I let out a dark laugh.

"Of course it's not, Connie!" I agreed. "Nothing in this world ever is! Though, gathering from what I've overheard within the past two weeks, and the knowledge I've had from before then, I'm inferring that Steve has had a mistress for who knows how long, and either he knocked her up or he wants to propose to her. You just found out, and now you're feeling hurt and betrayed and don't want to stay any minute longer with him.

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