Chapter 22

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Picture of Kate on the side. She's going to have a big part in the story (hint hint). Also, I changed the story's name from 'The Friend Zone' to 'Trials'. The story just kind of outgrew the last name, and the new name just fits it much better now. Both the title and the new cover are both accredited to the creative miss Leighabear0625. Hope you enjoy the chapter!!!

Noah's POV

I waited impatiently outside of the school for Harper. She had to stay behind and retake her history test, since she had failed it and would get an earful from Connie if she didn't get it to an A. It had only been fifteen minutes now, but it felt like an hour had passed by. Of course, it probably didn't help that I was forced to wait for her outside of the school building.

I checked my phone for the umpteenth time, waiting for her to finally text me that she was finishing up or something. Seriously, how long does it take to finish a simple test? Especially in history? Though, now that I think about it, I didn't make it any easier for her to pay attention in class by always texting her...

I hear a faint clicking of heels on the cement. Click, clack, click clack. The clicking grows louder and louder with time, meaning that someone was coming my way. I listened closely, remembering what Harper had told me about heels. The sharper the sound, the higher the heel. This heel was very sharp and precise, and if I wasn't mistaken, I had a feeling that I knew exactly who it was wearing those heels. I was hoping, praying, that it wasn't the person I thought it was. I slowly peeked over my shoulder to see who it was.

The minute I saw the swishing blonde hair and those blue eyes, I inwardly groaned and rolled my eyes. I really don't want to deal with her right now. I was planning on taking Harper to get some coffee or a bite to eat or something.

I pretended to not hear her coming, hoping that she wasn't really there, that what I saw was a figment of my imagination and she wasn't really coming my way. It wasn't until I felt a manicured hand rest on my shoulder that I realized the image of her was real, and she wasn't going to keep walking by.

I turned around and faced Kate. She smiled, flashing her million-dollar smile and putting her hand on her hip, which was covered in a white dress that stopped at her mid thigh.

"Hey Noah," she purred. "I was just about to go grab a bite to eat. Care to join me?"

"No thanks, I've got plans with Harper," I said flatly, turning around. I heard her huff before she walked in front of me.

"No? Well, we could always do..." she ran her hand from her waist up to her chest, biting her lip seductively. "Other things. And I bet I can do better than she can."

"No," I repeated harshly, walking to the other side of the school entrance. I was hoping, praying, that she would get the hint and leave. I knew better than that, though. Kate never knew when to quit. She wouldn't stop until she got what she wanted, and that led to her getting most of the things she desired. That's why I was surprised by what she said next.

"What is it that she has that I don't?" Kate asked, her voice sounding irritated and... hurt?

I turned around, not sure I had heard her correctly. Kate never gives in. She never shows emotion unless she absolutely has to. She couldn't be serious, could she? I turned around and saw her looking at me with those big blue eyes of hers riddled with hurt and longing.

A part of me broke inside as I realized that this was actual, raw emotion, not the fake tears she uses to get her way. I felt horrible for causing the pain in those sad puppy dogs eyes, especially because of what I did to her. But Harper was the one for me, and she had to understand that.

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