Chapter 15

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Above picture is Liana Liberato, who's playing Harper. Enjoy the next chapter. :)

Noah's POV

Now that you have read and analyzed the play, you will write an analytical essay on Macbeth. The essay is worth 150 points and will be the first major assignment of the 2nd Semester, so I expect everyone to work on and submit this assignment so that the 2nd Semester starts on a positive note.

Respond to the following prompt: Macbeth is one of Shakespeare's most dynamic tragic heroes. Analyze his character. (You can think about the significance of his experience, what he represents, examine his mental deterioration, etc.)

I sighed as I rubbed my eyelids. What I should be doing is finishing my English essay, but instead my mind was clouded with two very different people: Landon and Harper.

I couldn't stop thinking about Harper because we're going to Sally's again for dinner. She needs time away from her parents, and I just want to spend time with her, maybe talk about the things we were going to last night if I wasn't forced to take Landon with me.

Every time I thought about Landon, I wanted to thrash something. Unlike Harper being a pleasant thing to think about, Landon was haunting me. I couldn't stop wondering why he was here. Sure, Connie offered him a job and all, but her entire business is half an hour away. Can't he stay in a hotel or something to be closer to work so I don't have to see his face?

It was even worse that my mother forced me to take him with me when I went to meet up with Harper last night. I mean, it was supposed to be me and her time, where she could vent and cry her heart out if she needed too. Instead, I had to bring Landon with me, which meant hiding my feelings both from and for Harper. Hiding my feeling from her worked, but only because of how emotionally wrapped up she is right now. Hiding my feelings for her didn't work at all, and I could tell that just by the things Landon would say to me.

I couldn't help but wonder what would happen today. First I'm going to talk to her about her parents, so she can get everything off her chest and stop looking so sad. After that, who knows? Maybe she might want to talk a little more about-

"Hey Noah," Landon said from behind me, interrupting my thoughts. He walked over and sat on the other end of the couch. "What are you doing today?"

"I've got plans," I muttered before writing a few mindless words on my essay.

"What kind of plans?" Landon asked, putting his hands behind his neck. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Plans you can't come to," I snapped.

"Ooh, I see." Landon said with a nod of his head and a mischievous smirk. "You're going on a date with Harper, aren't you?"

I felt my face heat up. "No, I'm not." I lied angrily. Landon laughed.

"You're a horrible liar, you know?" Landon said, "Whatever though, it's cool you don't want mom and dad to know about your relationship with her."

"We're not in a relationship!" Not yet, anyways. Landon put his hands up in defense.

"Alright, then." He said in defeat. "Then what are you doing today that you can't hang out with your big brother?"

"Things that have more worth than you do," I snapped, picking up my essay and walking to my room.

"Oh, come on, Noah," Landon complained, irritation in his voice. "I'm trying to patch things up between us. The least you could do is cooperate."

I ignored him and shut my door behind me. I threw my essay on my bed and looked at the time: 5:25. Just an hour and a half more...

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