Chapter 6

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Noah's POV

I couldn't help but notice how close Harper was standing next to me. As we walked, her arm occasionally brushed mine. Not that I minded at all. It was a nice feeling.

I wondered what would have happened earlier if Connie hadn't called me. Was she going to kiss me back? I was so close, and she looked like she was going to, but then her step-mother just had to call. She couldn't have just texted? It's like she has a radar for bad moments between Harper and I.

I looked over at Harper. Her skin looked a tint lighter than usual. I wonder if she's feeling well? She wouldn't tell me if she wasn't anyway. I might as well try, though.

"Harper, are you feeling okay?" I asked. We stopped walking and turned towards each other. She smiled and opened her mouth, ready to deny it. Then she sighed. "Not really, no."

Wow. She never admits to feeling badly unless it's really bad. I stepped forward and wrapped my arm around her waist. She tensed in surprise. I pressed my lips to her forehead to check her temperature. She nearly seared my lips. "I think you've got a fever, Harper."

Harper sighed and leaned her head against my chest. "A headache, too." she muttered.

"How about we take you home then?" I suggested, hoping she wouldn't try to fight me on this.

Harper backed up and looked at me with tired eyes. The way she was standing, the sun hit her hair in the perfect way, making it shine golden brown. She nodded her head in agreement, but I barely noticed. All I could think was how beautiful she is.

I snapped myself out of the trance and offered her my arm, which she took, and then we started walking back to my car. I couldn't help but think that even when she was sick, she was still so beautiful. Her slightly paled skin makes her look angelic. Those green eyes of hers make her look even more so. I could almost see the golden halo above her head.

When we reached my car, I opened the door for her and she gracefully slided in. I shut the door and ran to the other side, getting in and starting the car. We drove most of the way to her house in silence, neither of us knowing what to say. Well, I knew what I wanted to say, but not if I should actually say it. Nevertheless, I decided to take a chance.

"So what was it that you were going to tell me the other night?" I asked. Harper turned towards me, at first confused. Then she remembered that night and her eyebrows went up slightly.

"Oh," she said. "Um, well... I don't remember, actually." I looked over and narrowed my eyes at her before returning my gaze to the road. She was obviously lying, which made my curiosity shoot through the roof. What if she was going to say she likes me?

"You're a horrible liar." I stated bluntly. "Now please just tell me what it was. I'm dying of curiosity."

"Curiosity killed the cat," Harper said, wagging her finger at me disapprovingly. I rolled my eyes.

"That's right," I agreed. "That's why I'm dying right now!"

Harper laughed and shook her head, leaning back in her seat. "Looks like you're going to die, then. Don't worry, I'll give you a wonderful eulogy."

I pouted a little, hoping she'd budge. When she wasn't, I grumbled to myself as I wondered for the umpteenth time: what was she going to say?

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