Chapter 24

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Harper's POV

Long sleeved shirts, check. Pants, check. Intimates, check. Sweaters, check. Coats, check. Boots, by the door. Wool socks, check. Grey stocking hat, check. Fleece water resistant mittens, check. Scarves, check. Rain gear, check. 

I took one last glance at my list before I zipped up my suitcase and took a step back. Now, I'm finally ready for my trip with Connie. It was going to be about four days long. We'll drive there tomorrow, and then get back late on Wednesday. Four days in a log cabin surrounded by white snow! I couldn't wait. Connie and I were going to have some bonding time, and we'd get away from all the divorce business. Nothing would be there to bug us. We can just relax. And going to Kate's party tonight was just the icing on the cake.


I turned around and walked over to my desk, where my phone was charging. I picked it up and opened the message.

Jade: I'm here. Your car or mine?

I smiled and set my phone down, walking to my closet and slipping on my converse. By the time I was grabbing my purse, my phone's text alert went off again.

Jade: Your car. Definitely your car!!!

I laughed and slipped the phone into my back pocket. I went downstairs, passing Jeffrey on the way. He looked around himself before smiling. "Hey, where are you going?" He asked. I shrugged. "Just to the mall with my friend."

"Oh, well have fun."

"Thanks," I said as I approached the front door. Then I stopped, and turned around. "You know, you should get out of this house and have fun sometime too."

Jeffrey smiled. "I'll do that."

I smiled, nodded, then continued outside, where Jade was looking around, wide-eyed. "Ready to go?" I asked, interrupting her look of awe.

"Dude, your house is huge!" she exclaimed. I laughed and shook my head.

We got in the car and drove off. As we got on the road that would take us in town, Jade piped up with a suggestion. "Hey, why don't we go help Kate out at her house before going to the mall?"

I shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

Jade and I fell into a comfortable silence. I hummed a tune softly to myself, tapping the steering wheel as I went along. I noticed that Jade had a look on her face, as if she was thinking very hard about something, but wasn't sure if she should share it or not. 

"Um, Harper?"

I smiled as I casually glanced over to Jade. "Yes?" I hummed, turning my attention back to the road.

"Um," she began, starting to fiddle with her fingers. "You see, I need to tell you something... well, about Kate, um... When we get there, she wants to share some news with you about Noah."

I felt my heart rate slow. If it wasn't a big deal, she wouldn't have brought it up. "What news about Noah?" I asked, calmly and slowly.

"I can't tell you. I just..." Jade sighed, turning towards the window. "I wanted to warn you so you weren't taken off guard."

I nodded my head, registering this. Be prepared, be prepared. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Okay," I said. "Thank you for warning me."

When I arrived at Kate's address, I realized that her parents are well off too, with a nicely sized house complete with a glass wall. It seemed to be as wide as our mansion, but with two stories instead of three.

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