"I managed to see his face, but I have no idea of who it was. The thing is, he didn't seem fazed by my powers. He almost didn't even notice I had stopped time."

"Someone else with your powers?!" he exclaimed, and June simply sighed.

"I think so, but why attack me? I didn't even know him."

"You think this has something to do with that clinic?" June remained silent, not answering to him because she genuinely had no idea of what was happening. Her hands were still itching for having to use her powers in a rush, which had left her slightly shocked.

"I think we should talk to someone about this situation," Peter stated after a while, turning to his right to see the nurse and June's father had stopped talking and were heading to where they were.

"Are you talking about Tony?" June asked, looking in the same direction.

"We might start with him, then see how things develop and decide if an further help is needed."

June sighed again, straightening her back. "I don't know, Pete. I mean, we don't know if the clinic is involved, and Tony seems the type of guy who doesn't like to work in the dark, which is exactly what we should do. I say we get as many information about the place, then decide whether to tell Tony or not."

Peter looked at her for a moment and nodded, before Bruce reached June and patted her head, making June groan in annoyance.

"You can stay at Peter's for tonight, May said it's not a problem. But tomorrow you'll come back home, okay?" Bruce said, retreating his hand when he saw June's expression.

"Fine," she muttered, almost imperceptibly. She stood up to follow May and her hand instinctively slid in Peter's, squeezing it in search of comfort. Peter squeezed back almost immediately, longing to go home as soon as possible to talk to her quietly.


"So that's the new suit Tony gave to you?" June asked once she got in Peter's room and he closed the door behind him. He had hid it under the pillows, probably when he had heard June arriving, and had completely forgot about it.

"Shit," he cursed, locking the door before reaching June, not knowing what to do, since May hadn't seemed to appear behind them.

"You're still not careful with where you leave it, huh?" she chuckled, examining the suit from different perspectives. She almost fell backwards, crashing into Peter's chest when webbed wings appeared from the arms of the suit.

"That's so cool!" she exclaimed, her eyes widening as Peter grabbed the suit from her and retrieved the wings.

"Yeah, I still kind of have problems with the wings, but apart from that this suit is the shit. I can even wear it under clothes and I don't feel it at all. Tony's a genius," Peter said, folding the suit carefully.

June slumped on the bed, her back resting on the wall while Peter walked around the room, trying to clean it from the mess that constantly reigned there.

"How are missions going, by the way?" June asked after a while.

"The usual. It's weird to see every place I go to without a few blackouts here and there. I always expect to be in a place and find myself in another one with you almost dying in a corner," he laughed, even if he had always hated it, turning to see her reaction.

"Yeah, well, you're kicking more asses than we ever did together," she scoffed, playing with the hem of her jumper while Peter sat down on the other side of the bed.

"I know you hate when I say it, but I miss going on missions with you so much. You have no idea how boring it's been without you."

A small smile appeared on June's lips as she got closer to him, taking off her shoes to avoid dirtying the sheets.

"I miss it too, Peter. I can't believe you really think I didn't. I was just bothered that you weren't understanding me."

"But I did, June. I understood you immediately, I just couldn't accept the fact that you were doing something without me in it. My jealousy kind of got out of hand, and I've been an idiot for so long that you should probably hate me for the rest of your life."

"That wouldn't be long enough," she chuckled. She hadn't even noticed how close they had gotten, their knees hitting each other while the rest of the world was slowly fading away. June couldn't see anything but Peter's lips, so close to her that she could touch them if only she had inched a little closer.

A knock on the door startled them both, followed by Aunt May's voice. "Dinner's ready, guys! Hurry up!"

June placed a hand on her rapidly beating heart while Peter started laughing nervously, his cheeks tainted of a deep shade of red, probably just like hers.

"I-um, I think we should go," she mumbled, her eyes still wide from what was almost happening between them. They were about to freaking kiss, and June was a hundred percent sure she wasn't in one of her usual dreams.

"Yeah," Peter replied.

June looked up and gasped when she noticed the familiar light apparently appearing from nowhere, but surrounding the whole room as if it had suddenly turned morning. Peter followed her and his eyes widened, gaping at the bright light.

"How did you do that?" he asked, looking between the light and June, who closed her eyes for a moment to settle her powers back to normal. It was definitely that almost kiss that had messed her up to that point, but there was no way she was going to admit it loudly.

"No idea," she simply chuckled, playing with the tips of her hair as she followed Peter out of his room.

I'm kind of in love with this chapter ngl

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