Your amazing

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So we are about three weeks since diagnosis i think little man and of course you are doing just grand,you are well and truly use to getting your bloods done and your insulin,i should of known you would adapt so easily with no problems because you are such a happy and laid back child "F".

You have been going on walks with mummy and going to the park as it's important you get excercise and also it's been nice and sunny the Past week it's nice to get out and breathe that fresh air,it does you good to get exercise but also it makes your sugar go very low and then mummy has to give you something to bring it up again,it's still all very confusing and still a learning process especially for mummy.

It has been quite overwhelming for mummy but she is just great isn't she?it doesn't just stop at "oh well he has diabetes you check his blood and  just give him the insulin"like some may think there's more to it than that as mummy is finding out,she has too weigh all your food and count how many carbohydrates you have with every meal every day,she is Still finding out new things every day.

The nurse that comes out to see you and mummy told her you can have a pump fitted that will deliver the insulin instead of mummy it would be just at the side of your stomach,but mummy doesn't want you to have it yet,she wants to keep doing it as she has been administering the insulin herself,she is worried that the line attached to the pump that goes into your stomach you will either pull out yourself or it may come out while you are sleeping and then you won't get your insulin which I completely understand,but i think when you go to school you will definitely have to have it obviously as mummy won't be there but for now she wants to keep doing it herself and that's her choice.

I heard from mummy today and the nurse had told her that you may be suitable for a pancreas transplant at some point,obviously if you have a new pancreas you won't have diabetes anymore so no more insulin etc but mummy doesn't like the idea of it,i must admit when i first heard I thought oh that would be amazing it would free him of this chronic disease!,but as i found out from looking it up on the nhs site there is far more too it,it actually says the risks outweigh the benefits,you would be on medication for the rest of your life as it's too stop the body rejecting the new transplanted organ so either way you will always have to take some kind of medication everyday for the rest of your life diabetes or transplant.

So obviously it's a big operation a transplant,it's alot of strain on your little body,and quite frankly your mummy doesn't want to put you through it,yes your young and i'm sure you would recover well but as mummy told the nurse you have been diagnosed young you will get used to it over time being this way,she isn't being selfish she doesn't want to put you through it and i agree with her for now,it's too much too contemplate at the moment you are only 2 and a half years old,mummy is adament you are not having a transplant and as your parent that is her choice and her right.

Mummy makes all the decisions about your life and all her decisions are in your best interest,who knows mummy might change her mind in time there is no way of knowing but knowing her like i do im not so sure.but time will tell won't it and for now you are doing amazingly well and you are blessed with the most loving and caring mother who is your everything and you are hers,your bond is so strong the love you have for one another is just wonderful to see,as long as you have each other you will both be just fine.

My hope for you is that you continue on the way you have been,continuing to be active and healthy getting out and having plenty of exercise and just enjoying your young life and keep on smiling and having fun!,your such a lovely and confident and happy child you are a joy too be around,you have been seeing more of nannie and grandad or as you now refer to them............."mama and the buggar",you suddenly started calling nannie "mama" a few weeks ago and you started calling grandad "the buggar"a few weeks before that,your too funny!.

Nannie loves it though you calling her that,one of her other grandchildren has called her "Mam"for the Past ten years since she could talk,so she is nan and mam and mama now three different names from her six grandchildren,she adores you as we all do,you stay safe and well my beautiful nephew and keep having fun and laughing and smiling.

                   I love you "F"


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