About type 1 diabetes

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Type 1 diabetes is a long lasting condition that needs close attention,it's a disease that affects how the body uses glucose,the main type of sugar in the blood,glucose comes from food we eat and is the major source of energy needed too fuel the body's functions.

Type 1 results when the pancreas loses its ability to make the hormone insulin,in type 1 the person's own immune system attacks and destroys the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin and once those cells are destroyed they won't ever make insulin again.

The symptoms of type 1 diabetes are

Extreme weakness or tiredness

Extreme thirst

Increased urination

Abdominal pain

Nausea and vomiting

Blurry vision

Wounds that dont heal

Irritability or mood change

Low body temperature

Reduced blood pressure 90/60

Rapid heart rate

Every year in the US 13,000 children are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes,and 1 million children and adults in America deal with it everyday.

My nephew had only four of the symptoms now we look back on it,it was only the day he was admitted to hospital he was vomiting so his mother would never of realised he had type 1,he had always liked to drink alot of juice and he urinated often but of course you put that down to the fact he's a big drinker,he was very irritable and even though hes the lovliest kindest well mannered child he would have what we would call a "meltdown" now and then where for no reason he would just scream and throw himself on the floor at home my sister was baffled by it and now we finally know why that would happen,it has not happened since he was diagnosed and receives his insulin,

I'm sure there could be parents out there who may like my sister be completely unaware that a virus could trigger it,no clue there young child could develop type 1 diabetes which is why I have written this chapter,i admit i knew nothing of type 1 diabetes before my nephew was admitted to hospital and diagnosed,but im more informed now after reading alot about it.

I hope by writing this a parent may remember what I have said here and  notice the signs in there child and they can act fast like my sister did and take the child straight to a doctor,if my nephew was left any longer he would of gone into a diabetic coma and we could of lost him which doesn't bare thinking about,thank the lord for mothers instinct!.my sister knew it was much more than just a virus.

My mother also had a hand in it too she heard my nephews change in breathing over the phone and straight away said yes definitely get an emergency appointment,apparently the doctor could smell a fruity smell coming from my nephew? and that was when she knew it was type 1 diabetes just by that and also his rapid breathing.

I pray anyone who reads this there children stay happy and healthy because they are so precious,these young lives with so much too look forward too,great futures ahead we want them healthy don't we so stay vigilant and act quickly if you notice any of the symptoms I listed here.

Do not fear it,I did and my family when my nephew was diagnosed a week ago today,we were so scared for him but it was because we knew nothing of type 1 in children,we spent many sleepless nights and many tears were shed but you know a week later our boy is happy again and he's smiling and laughing and back to the cheeky little monkey he was before the diagnosis it's like it never happened except for the fact he has too have his bloods taken and his insulin which although it may be annoying for him you would never know it.

He takes it in his stride he has never cried when he has all these pin pricks to test his sugar levels and the insulin via the insulin pen, he's just adapted as children do and im sure that he will easily get through life now managing his diabetes himself when he is much older,i think it's took longer for my sister to adapt than it has my nephew but she is doing amazingly well and Im extremely proud of her,im proud of them both and i love them both even more than i already did if that's at all possible.

                I love you "J"
                I love you "F"
Always and forever by your side.

I may add more parts at a later date about my nephews progress and my sisters and my familys journey learning to come to terms with this new part of my nephews life,he was a very special child before the diagnosis and he's even more special now.thanks too all who have read my book I appreciate it so much.


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