A large handful of hay hits me square in the face. My eyes narrow on Elissa's smirking face as she states, "You look too serious."

"You minx!" I throw a handful back.

Sweet scented hay rains about us and a chase ensues. I swear that my intentions had been innocent, I merely wanted time alone with her. However, when I catch Elissa and pin her beneath me, I cannot help notice her flushed expression and the way her pale hair fans out.

I need to feel skin on skin now, the tiger groans.

The eagle eyes the bales. I can make a nest.

Elissa should be laid upon a bed of silk, I counter.

No. She should be worshiped amongst nature, the tiger insists.

The lines within me blurring, I find it impossible to stop my hands from exploring. As I feather kisses across her jaw to the pulse point in her neck, she makes the cutest mewing sound.

Supporting my weight with my forearms, I push up and look down at her. "Kitten."

"Your eyes!" she gasps. "They are hazel not blue."

Giving a wolfish grin, I respond, only half joking, "That is because you bring out the animal in me."

She laughs. "Does that mean you really do bite?"

Playfully nipping at her earlobe, I growl, "Yes, my love."

An earth-shattering boom crashes right above our heads, sounding as if the sky has fallen in. Ears ringing in the silence that follows, I scramble to my feet, my heart pounding and help Elissa up.

A section of the ceiling caves in and gaunt finger-like branches reach through the gaping hole. Tile after tile slide down and fill the air with choking dust. The platform shudders beneath our feet, groaning ominously under the weight before tilting violently.

I jump down and hold out my arms to Elissa. For a moment she just stands there, her face pale and drawn, then to my utter relief, she jumps. I catch her and leap to one side, narrowly avoiding us being crushed as the mezzanine crashes down onto the spot where we just stood.

Slowly the sound and chaos around us settles. Elissa loosens her death grip on my shirt and points to the huge pile of debris against the stable doors.

"We are trapped!"

I stroke her arm reassuringly and nod at the gaping hole in the roof. "I can fly and get help."

Sounds of distress from the horses postpone any thoughts of raising the alarm and our priority shifts to tending to the frightened animals.

One of the horses is more restless than the others, pacing and pawing at the ground. My face falls, for it is one of mother's favourite mares and she is expecting her first foal. Elissa holds out a hand and speaking softly, tries to sooth the skittish mare. She really has a wonderful touch with animals.

Concern is etched on Elissa's face. "I think that the shock has brought her into premature labour."

Raking a hand through my hair, I fret, "What do we do?"

"We wait. Let nature take its course. If need be, I will step in."


"Aren, don't forget that before I came here I was training to be a vet. Admittedly I only know the theory."

Together we sit on a hay bale, while outside it sounds as if the trees have come alive and are at war. The frigid air blowing in through the roof causes Elissa to shiver and I pull her against me.

A sound of distress from the mare calls her back to the stall where the horse is lying on its side, with beads of sweat on its flanks. Indicating for me to stay back, she rolls up her sleeves and enters.

I am helpless, left to watch as she works diligently for at least an hour, maybe two. All the time, she maintains a calm, soothing voice, even though at times her eyes show anxiety.

Finally, a small dark body slips out, but does not move. Elissa's shoulders sag, she must be exhausted, yet I see her visibly rally. She removes the sac from the foal and rubs its body with hay trying to stimulate it. However, the small forlorn form just lies there motionless.

"I have failed," Elissa sobs and backs out of the stall.

I hold her tight, while her bloodied hands hang limply by her side. "Elissa, you did what you could. Without your help both would have died."

She seems inconsolable. I brush the sweaty hair away from her brow and implore, "Tell me what can I do?"

She swallows and once more rallies. "The wind seems to have eased. Can you fly and get help? The mare will need someone with skills more than mine."

I am torn. "I do not want to leave you."

"I will be ok. Please, Aren."

I hesitate but do as she bids me and transform into an eagle. My wings send up a cyclone of dust as I power my way out.


With the fallen tree still blocking the entrance, I swoop through the stable's damaged roof, dread sitting leaden in the pit of my stomach. It destroyed me to abandon her. Mother and the healer land beside me, but I ignore their presence seeking only my beloved.

I find her sat on the floor, leant against a hay bale, her eyes closed.

Crouching down, I touch her shoulder. "My love, we came as quickly as we could."

She blinks sleepily and smiles happily at me.

As I am helping her to her feet, mother rushes over and flings her arms around Elissa, mindless of the blood and guck clinging to her dress.

"Thank you. You are a wonder. I owe you so much."

Tears are streaming down mother's face, yet she appears overjoyed, not distraught.

Confused, I walk over to the stall and look in, uncertain what I will find. I am amazed to be greeted by the sight of a dark grey foal suckling from its mother.

"I do not understand. The foal was dead."

The healer, her crimson dress signifying her as a disciple from the crystal temple, bows her head to me. "My prince, it is by the grace of the Mother that the power of healing is exceptionally strong within lady Elissa."

Pride swells within me. My female is exceptional.

I look back at Elissa and I am sure that my admiration is shining on my face.

Mother takes Elissa's hand. "It would please me greatly if you would name the foal."

Elissa touches her hand to her chest. "I am honoured. Given the reason for his early appearance, I would like to call him Storm."


AN - Icarus by Stereo Honey.
Well that roll in the hay was a bit eventful!

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