C h a p t e r T e n

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[ T h e  M i s s i o n ]

Everyone gathered around people with purple t-shirts. I couldn't read their facial expression clearly but one thing for sure, they all looked confused and concerned. They talked to each other and discussed the phenomenon that just happened 5 minutes ago. I saw Chiron and Mr. D talking seriously with a blonde guy and a brown-haired girl.

Not too far from them, I saw Rachel had a debate with another blond haired guy, he had skin as pale as Nico, and corrected me if I was wrong but he had stuffed animals tied on his waist. The blond guy with the stuffed animal saw me, his eyes widened. He waved his hand excitedly while running toward me.

"My lady!!!" he screamed. "My name is Octavian!!"

Oh no, not again.

"She is my lady!!" Rachel screamed as she chased him.

"No way, she is mine!!"

"Both of you! Stop!" a loud and clear voice froze them on spor. It was the brown haired girl.

She walked toward me without leaving my eyes. Right beside her was a tall and athletic blond haired guy, he had a tiny scar on his upper lip. He had very attractive blue eyes.

"My name is Reyna, I'm the praetor of Camp Jupiter." She said firmly. "And this is Jason Grace, he is a praetor like me."

Jason Grace? He must be Thalia's brother. I shook her hand then Jason's hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Phoebe McGary."

"We came here to discuss something important, this meeting includes you McGary."

"Me?" Reyna nodded.

"Well then, let's go to the Big House." Chiron came up. "What just happened was worth discussing."

There was a rectangle table made from oak wood. We sat down facing each other. Percy, Leo, Nico, Annabeth, Piper, Reyna, Jason, Rachel, Octavian, Will, an Asian boy with a bow, and a girl with curly hair. Chiron led this meeting. He said we would discuss the sun eclipse, even though it wasn't.

"Has there any message from the Olympus?" asked Percy.

"We haven't received any message yet, but I'm sure we will get a message soon." Said Chiron.

"What just happened was terrible." Annabeth stated. "We lost sunlight in daytime."

"I know that Annabeth." Chiron stroked his beard.

"According to the constellation, a sun eclipse will happen 5 days from now. So I don't know what really happened. It was unpredictable." Said Will. "There has to be something which made us suddenly lost our sun."

I had a bad feeling about this. If my dream showed me the future, then there was a possibility that Apollo had been captured. It was just a hunch yet I had a strong feeling about it. I looked around, they kept talking about any possibilities, debated between each other. I opened my mouth to say something but then Reyna talked, then Octavian, then Annabeth and then the shoulder-length curly brown hair, called Hazel Lavesque.

I didn't want to interrupt any of them so I stayed quiet.

"Guys!" Percy called in a high tone. The room went silent. "Phoebe wants to talk."

What? How did he know?

"Um..." All eyes on me. "There is a question on my mind. Is it possible for God to be captured?"

They gave me an unsettling stare. There was a moment of silence before Jason answered my question. "It is possible."

"I had a dream about my dad, Apollo. He said he will send a message, I don't know to whom. He told me to get help from the hunter and the amazon as well as having them as allies. He said there will be a war, but I don't know where or against whom. The last one was, he said the sky and the earth cannot be awakened."

Everybody gasped in surprise. They began to chatter with worry and anger. The atmosphere became more tense. We all had a scary look on our face. Everyone started arguing with each other. We talked about what we should do next, some of them talked about prophecy, some of them said we should send messages to Olympus.

"What does the prophecy say?" Chiron said in a loud tone to shut all of us. He looked between Rachel and Octavian.

"Like what I said in the camp," Octavian started.

"Seven half-bloods shall answer the call,

Rome and Greek gathered all

To storm or fire, the world must fall,

The king sent death back to his hall,

The lights shall guide,

And earth will laid,"

"That's the same prophecy like what Rachel said."

"Yeah, but we have a problem." Octavian gulped. "It's not finished."

"What? What do you mean?'

Rachel interrupted. "In our vision, there are three sentences more in the prophecy. However these sentences have yet to appear in our dreams. We are not sure when."

"And um..." My chance to speak was overheard again by the loud shout and chatter. Everyone started arguing with each other again.

"Everyone stop." Said Percy. Everyone went quiet. "Phoebe didn't finish. Let's hear what she says." He gave me an assuring look.

How did he know that I want to talk? Apparently Percy was pretty observant toward people.

"I need to find Asteria." I said.

Mr. D who had not talked at all, suddenly stood up and raised his hand in disbelief. "She's a titan! She might be evil! Why should we meet her?"

"Do I look like I know? It was from my dream, Sir." I tried to stay polite but he made it impossible to do so. He acted like a jerk. I still could not believe he was Camp Half Blood Director.

Percy leaned closer on the table, looking serious. "How much time do we have left?"

"I'm not sure." Chiron shook his head.

"The message." Annabeth said. "If Apollo wants to send a message. What is the message? Or the message was the sun eclipse thing this morning?"

No one knew for sure, even Olympus didn't send any clues for us. We gathered in silence. The only sound came from Leo's gear that he kept playing on this whole meeting. Everyone was deep inside their own mind. I sighed.

"We better get going." Jason stood up. "We don't have much time. Maybe the sun eclipse was Apollo's message."

"That's right," Reyna said. "We need to find amazon and the hunter."

"And Asteria." Leo added.

Everyone nodded in agreement. "This is a mission then. Who should come?" We looked at Rachel and Octavian.

"Like the prophecy said, there has to be seven people." Said Octavian. "My lady definitely has to come. And now six more places left."

"But there will be war right?" I said, "Don't you think it needs more than seven people?"

"Yes, we know," Chiron nodded in agreement. "But we have to choose the main team to answer this prophecy."

"So?" Will needed an answer.

Rachel closed her eyes. Her mouth muttered something. Then her voice changed. "Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Hazel Lavesque, Annabeth Chase, Leo Valdez, Nico d'Angelo, and Phoebe McGary." She giggled devilishly, then her eyes opened.

"There." Her voice came back to normal. Well I guess she just had some of her sight.

"What? How could Frank doesn't come? We need him." Hazel toward the Asian guy.

"It's okay Hazel." He gave her a soft smile.

"I'm sorry, but this is final." Said Octavian arrogantly.

"It's settled then." Percy said. "Now where is Asteria?"

"She's in Chicago." Mr. D said after he took a huge gulp of his wine. "I love Chicago's street food though hihihiiikk."

"That's a long way to go. We need a vehicle."

Leo laughed and showed us his most shiny grin. "It's Mr. McShizzle show time."

The Vow (Percy Jackson x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant