C h a p t e r E i g h t

492 17 3

[ 1 8 . 0 0 0  y e a r s  o l d ]

The sky darkened. The wind blew chills down to my spine. The air felt too cold in my lungs. I was standing in front of thousands of white marmer pillars.

"Phoebe!!" the same voice called my name. "Phoebe!!"

"Dad?" I had no idea why I called that voice 'dad'. That voice went quiet.

"Yes, it is me." I saw a man silhouette from a distance. "I'm going to send a message but I have no time. You have to meet the Hunter and the Amazon, ask them as allies. You'll need them."

"What for?"

"You'll know." He said, I felt like I could see him smile. "Warn them. There will be war. Olympus will not-"

"What? I can't hear you!" I tried to walk toward my dad, but his silhouette did not get any closer. Then I started to run, but it was almost impossible for me to reach him no matter how fast I ran. I ran out of breath, it was useless.

"You guys have to work together. The sky and the earth cannot be awakened."

That dream changed again into something else. I stood on a ship, a huge one. I looked around but I couldn't find anyone else. I was all alone. I was getting more anxious.

"Find Asteria. She'll...Phoebe...help..."

"Dad, are you okay?"

My eyes caught sight of the ocean, the wind howled like wolves, I couldn't see anything within the storm. My body trembled because of the cold. I saw something really big standing in front of me. No fucking way, it was a titan. He smiled devilishly, showed his big teeth and smelly breath.

"Finally I can meet you."


I tried to open my eyes but they squinted immediately because there was too much light. I groaned as I sat up. My nose perked up the smell of clean linen and dried sage. It felt like home for a moment. My eyes grew accustomed with the light and finally could open properly. I was inside a room full of white and gold colors. The window sash color was made of oak wood, they had embroidered purple flowers in the curtain, and the only decoration were flower pots in the windowsill, filled with yellow flowers.

"You are awake." Said a voice. Someone came through the door, he held a glass of water then put it on the bedside table. "I'm Will Solace, the counselor of Apollo's Cabin." He had shaggy blond hair and blue eyes.

"Phoebe McGary." I introduced myself. He smiled and told me to drink the water. "What time is it?"

"It is 10 o'clock, you slept for 12 hours."

"Haha, what's new." I mumbled. I faced Will. "Last night, it wasn't a dream isn't it?"

"Nope," he said. "It is fine, you don't have to be afraid. Chiron will explain everything to you after you get some brunch."

He patted my shoulder, then his hand brushed my arm and held them. "Phoebe, you can consider me as your brother. After we heard about the prophecy I think you will do a mission soon or later."

"A mission?"

"Yes, to fulfill the prophecy. I heard Rachel called you 'lady'," he laughed a bit and I rolled my eyes. "That's rare. Have you ever dream of something that eventually became reality?"

I nodded. "I had a dream Mitchell would die."

"I knew it." He muttered. "Phoebe you have an ability to see the future just like Rachel, our oracle."

The Vow (Percy Jackson x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ