Another Few Months

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Elizabeth's POV
Lucy and I walk in on Edmund trying again to be in the army. He wants to fight so badly. He has experience, from back in Narnia, but if he told someone here that, he'd be thrown into an insane asylum.

"Edmund, you're supposed to be helping me with the groceries." Lucy says, frustrated.

"Better luck next time, eh squirt?" Someone behind him laughs.

"Squirt? He barely had two years on me!" Ed exclaims angrily once we've left the building. "I'm a king! I've lead wars and..fought armies."

"Not in this world." Lucy points out.

"Yeah. Instead I'm stuck here, doing battle with Eustace Clarence Scrubb. If anyone deserves a name." Ed mumbles. Lucy looks up at a couple; a soldier and a pretty young woman. The lady tucks some hair behind her ears, and Lucy copies her action.

"What're you doing?" Ed asks.

"Nothing. Come on then." She replies quickly.

The walk back to their aunt and uncle's house isn't too long, but their aunt, uncle and cousin make me think of mine. I wonder how my Aunt Prunaprismia and her son Julius are...

"We're home! Hello?" I call out. We walk into the library, where their Uncle Harold is reading the paper.

"Hello Uncle Harold! We tried finding carrots but all they had were turnips. Should we start making the soup? Aunt Albertta is on her way home." Lucy says. He doesn't say anything, just ignores her and reads the paper.

He wasn't exactly thrilled when he found out an extra three kids would be living with him.

"Oh don't bother." Ed sighs, sticking his tongue out at him, and I stiffle giggles.

"Father! Edmund's making faces at you!" Eustace tattles, spit balling something at Ed.

"Why you little!" Ed snaps, running to him.

"Father, he's gonna hit me!" Eustace exclaims innocently. I was so distracted by the scene Eustace made that I didn't notice Lu go back in the kitchen and sort through the mail.

"Edmund, look! It's from Susan!" Lucy beams, holding up a letter. We go up to her room, and urge her to read it.

Apparently someone in America fancies Susan. I wonder if she feels the same. Has Caspian moved on?

"Mother hopes you won't mind another few months in Cambridge." Lucy concludes, folding the letter.

"Another few months? I can't handle Eustace for another few days!" I exclaim.

"You're lucky. At least you two have your own room, I'm stuck with mollet mouth." Edmund groans.

"Susan and Peter are the lucky ones, off on adventures." She sighs, and I realize she's right. I seriously hope that during the few months, we go back to Narnia.

Elizabeth, the Young ExplorerWhere stories live. Discover now