Chapter 45: Banned From Jasper's Bed

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My chilly fingers wrap around the fluffy white towel and I gently tug it around my body. I'm still shivering from the cold shower I had to take. Getting ready at the Cunningham's isn't as easy as I thought it would be.

            I walk out into Jasper's room with chattering teeth and my hair dripping cool droplets on my skin. "I think Jaylen used all the hot water," I manage.

            Jasper's laying on his stomach with his hands tucked under his pillow, but he opens his eyes like he hasn't been sleeping at all. "Welcome to the Cunningham's," he murmurs.

            I tighten my fist around the towel. "Are you working today?"

            "Ten to six," he replies. "Are you coming back tonight?"

            "Uh, yeah, if your parents don't mind. I'm gonna go see Maggie after school and have dinner with my mom. I'll be back after you get home probably."

            Jasper's eyes always seem brighter in the morning. He's all sleepy smiles and messy hair. Definitely something I can get used to. I'm actually surprised his parents agreed to let me spend the night again, but I explained to them what happened. Instead of staying in Jane's room, Mary insisted I sleep in the guest room, which is even further away from Jasper's room. Again, I didn't sneak out of the room to see him last night.

            Parker doesn't care if I stay here or with him, as long as I'm safe. Hell, I could go stay at my old house for a few days, but I'm fine where I'm at. I'll probably stay here again tonight and go home tomorrow night. I do miss Maggie and Tyler after a couple of days. I hope they're doing okay. I haven't talked to either of them since I left that night.

            I walk out of Jasper's room and down the hall to the guest room. Locking myself inside, I go to my bag and pluck out my skirt and shirt that's probably wrinkled now, but I really don't care at the moment. Once I dress, I brush my hair out and just put it into a braid down my back.

            Jasper's eyes are closed when I enter again and I imagine he fell back asleep. I quietly step into his bathroom and take a few minutes to do my makeup. After I finish, I leave my things in there and walk back out into Jasper's room. His eyes are open again, but his position remains the same. I don't think his bed has ever looked so tempting. "Sure you don't wanna skip?" He asks.

            I smile and step up to the bed where he's lying. "I'm sure I do wanna skip, but I can't. Maggie would kill me if she found out I missed."

            "I can call out sick. We can stay in bed all day and no one would know."

            "Stop," I groan.

            He chuckles lightly.

            "You're mean in the morning."

            It only makes him laugh again. "Get used to it."

            I roll my eyes. "See if I come back here."

            Jasper reaches up and tugs on my hand. "Come here."

            "I'm gonna be late," I tell him and sit down on his side of the bed. "I have to give Parker my notes before class."

            He slowly flips onto his back. The blanket covering him lowers to his waist. "You'll make it, don't worry."

            My lips curve into another smile as I lean down and kiss his cheek. "Looks like I'm being the responsible one."

            He breathes out. "I don't have to be responsible for another three hours, Ells."    

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