Chapter 2: Fries And Coffee?

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Song: Stupid For You by Waterparks

"Just double dare me and I promise now that I'll stay
It's not like you're married but I still got carried away."


School is weird.

            It's been exceptionally weird today.

            When I arrived this morning, a guy I've never talked to was waiting for me by the school doors. His name is Austin and apparently he wanted to ask me on a date. It was too coincidental, but I politely declined. Which he wasn't affected by.

            At lunch, I found twelve red roses in my locker.

            The culprit was Steven James, the captain of our lacrosse team. He appeared with a cheeky grin and the promise to give me the night of my life. The offer made me blush and of course, it was a hard pass.

            But it didn't end there.

            There was a boy in each of my classes, asking me on a date and it only took me three to realize it had to be Victoria's doing. I'm not even sure if I'm mad about it. More annoyed than anything. None of them were actually interested in me and I'm not sure what Victoria did to get them to actually commit.

            By the end of the day, I received five date invites, even more red roses, and enough chocolate to keep me alive for a week.

            I barely escape out the front doors. When I get in the car, I set the roses in the floor and back out as quick as possible without hitting anyone or anything. I'm ready to go back to Maggie's, but I know she's not home and neither is Tyler, so I go somewhere I know I won't be bothered.

            Jenny's Diner further into the city.

            It takes twenty minutes of driving and I spend most of that time singing loudly and eating the chocolate I received by one of the many generous offers I had. It's not the cheap kind either. It's the type of chocolate you're supposed to savor instead of eating all of it in one sitting.

            When I pull into the dull diner parking lot, I notice I ate half of it.

            I shrug it off, grab my bag, and climb out of the car.

            Inside the diner I already feel a sense of comfort. The oldies playing in the background, the black and white tiles, the neon lights, and the retro vibes always make me feel more at home than my actual house.

            Jenny's standing behind the register and she waves when she sees me. I return the gesture and the smile before finding my normal booth. Jenny is an older lady with short dark hair, in her late fifties or early sixties, and she's spent most of her life fostering children and raising five of her own. She tells me about her grandkids all the time. This diner has been in her family since she was born and she plans on passing it down to her grandkids

            I start pulling out what I need to study, including my textbook, notebook, post-it's, high lighters, and pens.

            Jenny appears at the edge of the table and settles her hands on her hips. "Let me guess," she starts, "French fries and a milkshake?"

            "That would be perfect, but can I have a Coke instead? I feel like I need to wait on the milkshake to fully appreciate it."

            She smiles at me and shakes her head. "I'll bring it out in a few minutes."

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