Chapter 38: Stupid Dimples

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My mom is hovering.

"Did you pack sun screen?"

I zip up the duffle bag and drop it to the floor. "I'm sure Grandma has sun screen, but just in case, I packed some."

She twists her hands together. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"I'm only going to be gone for three days," I tell her. "Don't worry so much."

Dad appears in the doorway, leaning against the frame. "You'll only be a few hours away, so drive home whenever," he tells me.

I'm nineteen years old and my parents are acting like I'm going away to another country. I've never been away from my house for more than a day, so they're taking this to a higher level than it needs to. I used to spend the weekends with my grandma and grandpa when they lived in Cocoa. She moved to Miami after he died. Sold the house they built together because she couldn't let go of him.

I've never seen two people more in love than them. It was easy to see how broken she was for a year. I guess one day she woke up, said enough is enough, and put that house on the market. Now she lives right on the beach in Miami where she's happily retired. I know she misses Grandpa, but I don't think that's ever going to go away. It definitely hasn't for me. My heart aches just thinking about it.

"Are you sure you don't want Jaylen to go?" Mom asks.

I nod. "I doubt Jaylen would want to be stuck with us anyway. I'm sure he has better things to do."

Dad shrugs. "You'd be surprised."

I thought about asking Jaylen to go, but I knew he'd say no so I saved my breath. "I'll call you guys when we get there."

"Call when you get halfway there," she says. "I'll also check in with my mom."

"Sure," I mutter.

Mom smiles and lightly touches my cheek. "I'll get the snacks." She exits the room, leaving me and my dad alone.

He glances behind him, making sure she's out of earshot. I already know where this is going, but I let it happen anyway. "I, uh, know we never had the talk, because I never thought I would have to."

I snort. "Thanks, Dad."

He stares at me dully. "Not what I meant, smartass. I'm just saying you're smart. I know I don't have to, but I can tell you to be careful and make sure you use—"

"I get it," I interrupt, my cheeks turning to flames. "I'm not ready for that anyway."

It's not a lie, but I'm sure my dad thinks it is.

He nods slowly. "Okay, well, have a safe trip and make sure you call your mother so she doesn't have a breakdown."

Nodding, I say, "I will."

"The two lovebirds are sitting in the back," Remi says, shutting the trunk of Parker's car. Then she grins at Ella and I.

Ella's mouth falls open. "Maybe I wanted to sit up front."

"Too bad," she retorts. "I called shot gun already."

Parker rolls his eyes and climbs into the driver's side without a word. Everyone else piles into the car, Remi in the front seat that she claimed and then Ella sits with me in the back. I'm hoping Remi and Parker aren't like me and Jaylen on a road trip. When Parker lets Remi pick the playlist, I know that's not going to be a problem.

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