Chapter 14: She's With You?

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Song: Voldemort by With Confidence (I wanted to use the acoustic version, but couldn't find it lol if you have spotify, listen to it because it's sooooo good Jayden's voice is everything.)

"And I will try to hold you up
Through those times when you are gone
Despite the weather, it gets better
You won't do this alone."


         "I'm going to look at wedding dresses today," Maggie tells me as she slides a plate of eggs in front of me. "Wanna go? Bea and Lucy are going too."

            Sunday's are usually my days where I like to stay in my room and never leave, but the idea of hanging out with Maggie sounds so much better. "Sure," I reply. "Have you guys picked out a date yet?"

            "Sort of," she grumbles. "With Tyler's touring schedule, it's difficult. But we're definitely aiming for April or June. Most likely June though."

            I nod slowly and take a bite of the eggs.

            Maggie gets a glass and pours orange juice in it before giving it to me. "So is it a date then? Or do you have plans with Jasper?"

            "I love how you automatically went to Jasper," I say. "I do still hang out with Remi and Parker, Maggie."

            She laughs and sits on the stool next to me. "That's not really what I meant. I know you still hang out with Parker and Remi. I just meant that you and Jasper have been hanging out a lot, I just assumed you guys had something planned."

            I shrug. "I like being around him. He's calm compared to Parker and Remi."

            Maggie nudges me with her elbow. "Wanna know something funny?"

            "Sure," I murmur.

            "I always thought it'd be Parker," she informs me. "For some reason, I just thought it would be you and Parker that ended up together."

            That thought makes my heart jump a little. Not only Remi, but Maggie thinks Parker and I should've ended up together. "It's not like that at all," I explain. "He's just the best friend I could've asked for. Nothing is going to happen between us."

            Maggie laughs and nods her head. "I know. Also, I like Jasper. Are his cheeks always red?"

            A smile curves my lips. "Yes, they are. But it's so cute. And, Maggie, the dimples...the dimples are too much."

            She laughs again. "Dimples will always be a weakness."

            I groan and prop my chin on my hand. "He's so cute and nice," I grumble. "He just makes my heart beat way too fast. I think I lose ten seconds off my life every time he smiles at me, Maggie."

            "It sounds like a crush then," she says and takes a sip of her coffee. "I think you're doing the crush thing right, actually. I wanted to murder Tyler when we first met...and the weeks following. But I also really wanted to kiss him." She then wrinkles her nose. "I don't think I'm the best person to give you advice."

            A small laugh tumbles from my mouth and I lean back in my chair. "I had a crush on Nathan for a while," I admit. "But it never really felt like this. I feel like saying I have a crush on Jasper is silly."

            Maggie snorts. "I knew you had a crush on Nathan, so that's not a surprise to me."

            "I think the only person that flew by was Parker," I say. "He warned me about his brother before anything happened." Then I shrug. "Shit happens."

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