Chapter 12: Meeting The Cunningham's

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When I get out of school on Monday, I'm surprised to see a text from Jasper on my phone.

Out of school yet?

My lips curve into a smile and I call him instead of texting back. It's not that I have anything against texting, I just feel like calling is easier. When I think about it, maybe Jasper has a fear of talking on the phone. Many people do. As it rings, I let it process and almost hang up when he answers. "Are your thumbs broken?" He asks.

I breathe a laugh and start my car so it can cool off. "Talking is quicker. Why do you need to know if I'm out of school?"

"Uh, are you good at science?"

"Kinda," I reply. "Why?"

Jasper sighs. "I'm having problems with this formula and I didn't know who else to ask."

My interest definitely piques at that. "And you need my help?"

He laughs nervously. "Uh, yeah. If you don't mind. Oh and if you aren't busy. If you are, don't worry about it."

I smooth my fingertips over my steering wheel and my smile widens. "Um, no, I'm not busy. I'll help if I can. Do you wanna meet me at Jenny's or the library?"

"Actually, can you come to my house? I'm on Joey watch, so I can't leave the house."

"Yeah, I can come to your house," I answer. "Text me your address and I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Great," he breathes. "Thank you."

I laugh lightly. "I haven't done anything helpful yet."

"Maybe you already have," he teases. "I like to thank you in advance. Is that better, Ella?"

I snort. "I'm on my way."

Jasper chuckles and says bye before we both hang up the phone.

I'm excited, I won't lie. But I'm also a little nervous. I've never been to Jasper's house and I haven't met his family yet.

This is definitely exciting.

* * *

I pull up to a brick-like house. A huge brick house. I don't know what I was expecting to be honest. But then again, Jasper warned me about having seven other siblings and that five of them still lived at home with him and that the house can get a little loud, so it made sense that their house is so big.

The house is a beautiful one. On one side, the house opens up and there's a large pool in the middle. There are two cars parked in the driveway and I don't want to block either of them so I just park on the side of the road. Hopefully that doesn't bother anyone.

I walk up to the front porch and knock on the door. On the front of the door, there's a long wooden sign that read The Cunningham's. Jasper wasn't kidding when he said they can get a little loud. Behind the door, it sounds like they can get a lot loud.

After getting no response the first time, I see a door bell on the other side of the door. I push it. I can hear many different voices coming from inside.

"Joey!" I hear a male voice say.

"Yes, Papa?" This time it's a tinier voice.

"What's in your mouth?"

"Cake! Cake, Papa!"

"And where did you get this cake from, sweetie?"

"Joya gave it to me! From the yellow jar. And it tastes very funny. Papa, want some funny cake?"

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