Chapter 54: A Red Bra & Lipstick Stains

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"Where do your parent's think you are?" I ask as I pull Jasper inside my house.    

            Jasper spins around and I shut the door. "I didn't tell them anything," he replies. "Well, after dinner I just told them I was going out for milk because I have to have my cereal in the morning."

            I snort. "Okay, you could've come up with something better than that."

            "I freaked!" He retorts. "You sent that picture in the middle of dinner. I choked on a piece of chicken and scared the shit out of Joey."

            As I laugh, I take his hand and start leading him up the stairs. "I wanted you to hurry. Also, I wanted to show you my new bra. Victoria Secret was having a sale this weekend." We continue our journey down the hall and I stop him in my doorway. "Did you like the color?"

            Jasper braces his hands on the door frame and leans in closer to me. "It's red," he says quietly. "What do you think?"

            I slide a hand up his chest and fist his sweater into my palm. "Then let me show it to you," I say and start tugging him inside my room. "It looks better in person."

            Even though Jasper's cheeks are damn near the same color of the bra, he kicks the door shut with his foot and grips my face. "Where are Tyler and Maggie?"

            I lift my hands to the sides of his neck. "Out with the band," I reply. "We have another hour before they're home because Maggie works early."

            Jasper's lips descend on mine and this time, he starts backing me towards my bed. "I can't be long anyway," he murmurs into the kiss.

            I heighten myself on my toes and the kiss deepens for a moment. "I just wanted to show you what I got," I whisper.

            "That's fine with me," he says.

            I spin him around so his back is to my bed. "I was hoping you'd like it," I tell him with a mischievous smile. "I know how much you love the color red."

            Jasper laughs. "And you know how much I love it on you." 

            I brace my palms against his chest and shove lightly so he falls to the edge of my bed. "The only reason I wear it so much."

            His smile widens and he slides his hands around my waist. "I had a feeling it was for me. I've noticed the red lipstick too. Which causes a small problem when I didn't notice it last night after I got home. My mom questioned it."

            "Oops," I reply sheepishly. "I'm sorry."

            The corner of his perfect lips quirk into a smirk, which shows his dimples. The dimples are a weakness I didn't ask for. "Maybe you did it on purpose."

            I'm smiling again. "Perhaps I did, Jas." I playfully jab his chest.

            Jasper catches my wrist and jerks me forward. "I guess breaking another rule wouldn't hurt. But just so you know, I won't have my hands left if Tyler catches me in here. Especially in this compromising position."

            With the wedding date approaching fast, Tyler and Maggie have been non-existent, leaving me to my own devices. Most of the time I'm preparing for graduation in the next week and juggling Jasper too now that we're back together and stronger than ever. Even though our breakup was almost two months ago, we try to pretend it never happened.

            My fingers go to the top button of my blouse. "Then I guess we have to make the most of our time left." My fingers trail down the buttons, undoing them while Jasper's eyes follow my hands. "So you really freaked out when you got the picture?"

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