Chapter 30

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December 14, 2016. Today was my birthday. I am now 24 years old.

I wake up to the smell of pancakes and strawberries. I walked out into the kitchen to find Otto making pancakes.

"Happy birthday babe. I made us breakfast." He said, giving me a kiss.

The kiss was only meant to last for about a second, but I wanted it to last longer. I wrapped my arms around Otto's neck, and he placed his arms around my waist. My hands soon travels up to his hair, but he backed away.

"Not now Jess. Plus, you almost made me burn the pancakes."

"So you're saying we can continue this later?"

"Maybe, maybe not. What's up with you this morning? Did turning 24 make you hornier?"

"Haha, whatever."

We both sat down at the table and ate our strawberry pancakes.

"So, what's the plan for today?"

"It's all a surprise. You'll just have to wait and see."

"I need to know know so I can dress accordingly."

" just dress casual, and don't wear too much makeup."


After I was done eating, I went and changed into black skinny jeans and a waterparks t-shirt. I decided to where my black converse, and I only applied a thin layer of foundation, and som mascara.

"All ready to go babe."

"Okay. Wow, I like hat shirt. I heard that band was pretty good."

"Yeah they are. Their drummer is also pretty stinking hot."

We both laughed and then went to the car. We started driving to our first destination, and I was so excited. This was my first birthday party in a while. I used to just spend it alone, but now I can spend it with someone that I love. We drove for about 45 minutes, and than arrived at IFLY, the indoor skydiving place.

"Omg, we are going indoor skydiving. I always wanted to do this."

We walked into the place and waited in line. We got to the front counter and then walked to our own little private area. We put on our little suits, and started learning what we needed to do. Since it was my birthday, I went first. The instructor went in with me and helped out. After me, it was Otto. Otto seemed liked he had done this before because he did t need a lot of help. After they taught us everything we needed to know. Otto and I went in together. We were spinning, flipping, and just having a blast.

After about two hours of indoor skydiving, we left and went to our next destination. Our next destination was the aquarium. We walked around and looked at all of the different fishes. They had a little tour going on, so Otto and I joined that. We were getting a little hungry, so we went upstairs to the food court. I found it quite weird that all they had to serve was fish. We ate and then went back to looking around at the fish.

"I'm having so much Otto. Thanks for everything."

"No problem jess. I wanted to make sure you had the best birthday ever. Plus, this is t our last stop."

"I can't wait for the next stop." I squealed.

After about three more hours, we left. Otto bought me a penguin and seahorse stuffed animals, and they were so adorable. We finally arrived at our next destination, which was Awsten's house,

"Okay, put this on." Otto said, handing me a blindfold.


"Don't question it, just put it on."

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