Chapter 4

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*otto's pov*
We came back from Walmart and went back to Awsten's house. Geoff and I have been living there for the past week recording songs.
"So Otto, what's with you and Jessica? I saw you two hugging before we left Walmart." Awsten asked.
"Oh, it's nothing. I was just saying bye, that's it."
It was quiet at first, but then that was ruined by Geoff and Awsten jumping on me and yelling.
"I do not. And get off of me." I yelled back.
"Nope. We aren't getting off until you admit it." Geoff said.
"Well, maybe I do. I don't know. We only truly known each other for one day. I don't know anything about her. And plus, I just want to help her get better."
Awsten and Geoff gave me a weird look.
"What do you mean 'get better'?" Awsten asked.
"Have you seen her? She's extremely skinny. I honestly feel like she is starving herself and doing other things. I don't know, apart of me just wants to help her get through it if she is starving herself."
"You can't just jump to conclusions and assume that she is anorexic Otto. Yeah, she is very skinny, but she could just be a naturally skinny person. Maybe when you get to know her, you'll see if she is or not." Awsten stated.
I just shook my head in agreement.
"Okay, I told you guys that I like her, so get off." I got up and pushed both of them off.
"Okay, well enough playing around. Let's continue working on this album." Awsten yelled.
We continued working on songs, writing lyrics down, and pretty much deciding which songs we wanted on the album. This was really hard, cause all the songs were really good. I kept getting side tracked because my mind would keep going to Jessica. She can't just be naturally skinny, there is no way. I was so off into my daze that I didn't know Awsten was talking to me.
"Hello, earth to Otto."
"Oh sorry, what did you say?"
"I was asking you if wanted anything to eat. Geoff was going to cook for us."
"Oh yeah, I'm actually really hungry."
We all took a break and went down stairs. Jessica was still on my mind. I really wanted to check on her, or just say hi and see how she is doing. I pulled out my phone and went to her name.
Otto: hey jessi, I was just checking on you. Not that you need checking up on, I just...
I quickly deleted that text. It was too long, and it makes me seem really weird.
Otto: hey Jessica, it's me, Otto. I was just saying hi, so hi..
Nope, to cringy. God why can't I say something good.
"How about you just say hi?" Awsten said.
I didn't know that Awsten and Geoff were standing over my shoulder watching me.
"It's not as easy as you think guys. And don't read over my text messages. That's invasion of my life."
"Whatever you say lover boy." Geoff laughed.
After a couple tries of trying to come up with a good text, I decided to just give up and try again. Geoff was already done with the food by time I was done.
"Bone apple tea guys." Geoff said while serving our plates. He made steamed vegetables and some steak.
"It's Bon appétit Geoff. Stop trying to be hip, and get back to taking care of us." Awsten said.
" whatever, your just mad that I'm more hip than you." We all just started laughing.
" am not. I'm younger than you Geoff, that automatically makes me more hip than you."
"Both of you guys are not hip. Now stop acting like a bunch of five year olds."
"You're just mad that we are more hip than you Otto." Awsten whined.
I just rolled my eyes and continued eating. My mind then went back to Jessica. I wonder if she had eaten today? She probably has. Maybe Awsten is right. She might just be naturally skinny, or at least I hope she is. I really hope she isnt starving herself.
"Otto are you okay? You seem a little down." Geoff said.
"Oh, I'm fine."
We all continued eating in silence. It was about 5:15 when we were done acting.
"Okay, I was thinking we could just finish the song that were working on and then just call it a day." Awsten suggested.
Geoff and I agreed and went upstairs. We didn't have much to record, so we finished pretty quickly. I decided to go ahead and take my shower just to get it out of the way. Geoff and Awsten were watching a movie while I was taking my shower. I was finished with my shower in about 10 minutes. I was actually pretty tired, so I just went up to my room and laid down. I laid down and just watched tv. Within minutes, I was out like a light.

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