Chapter 20

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*Otto's POV*

"Geoff, are you seriously still playing Pokémon Go. That game is so old now." Awsten said, dragging out the o in so.

"Yeah I am. And it isn't old. Now be quiet, I'm in the middle of a battle." Geoff snapped.

Awsten rolled his eyes and walked over to me. We were sitting in the green room, resting before we go onstage.

"Well, I guess it's just you and me. Hey, what's up man? You've been looking pretty down lately."

Awsten's comment snapped me out of my daydream, or should I say nightmare.

"Huh, oh. I'm fine."

"Lies, lies, LIES! You are not okay bro. What's going on? You can tell me."

I sighed and the confessed.

"Well, I'm just really worried about Jessica. I really wish I was back in Texas with her. I just have this bad feeling that something isn't going right down there. I just feel like she still isn't okay."

"Don't worry Otto, she's in great hands. There is nothing to worry about. Just look on the bright side. Tour is over in two weeks. You will be able to fly down and see her. To be completely honest, I kind of worry about her too. She could've die-"

"No, don't get those thoughts stuck in my head. I'm already worried about her. I really feel like she isn't doing well in that place."

"Sorry dude. She is in a hospital though. Their job is to help people get better. I'm pretty sure they are doing their job and helping her get better."

"You just don't understand Awsten. You don't understand what I feel."

He just rolled his eyes and walked over to the other couch to get a better view of the tv. Ever since I left Texas to continue tour, I've had this feeling that Jessica is just getting worse. I know she is at the hospital where they are suppose to be making her better, but I feel like they are making her worst. The nightmare that always replayed in my head started to appear again. It was a nightmare that I wish would just go away. It would start off we me flying back to Texas and going to visit Jessica in the hospitals. I get there, and they tell me that she died. That's all that replays in my head. The worst part about it is that I feel like this is going to happen. I feel like she's going to die right there without a goodbye. The last person she would see would probably be a nurse, or maybe even no one at all. What if no one even helped her? I know she could be difficult at times. What if the nurses gave up on her because of how difficult she was? That could be the reason she would die. No, no, no. I need to stop. Maybe Awsten is right. There is no need to worry. She is in great hands. But is she really?

"Five minutes until you hit the stage." Our manager yelled.

We all started to prepare ourselves for the show. Awsten started drinking some water, while Geoff started doing these weird little exercises. I just stayed on the couch and stared at the wall.

"Waterparks, waterparks, waterparks!" Was all you could here.

"Okay guys, let's get together." Awsten demanded.

"Okay, we are going to play a good show tonight. No messing up, or you are out of the band. And I'm talking about you Geoff. Mess up, and you're out. Okay, let's not suck on three. One, two, three."

"LETS NOT SUCK!" Everyone yelled except for me. I just couldn't get the words to come out of my mouth.

We all then walked onto the stage, and faced a crowd of a bunch of teenage girls. All I could imagine was Jessica standing in that crowd. I really missed her, and I just hope she is okay. I took a deep breath, and then smiled at all of the people in the crowd. Awsten introduced the band, and then we started to play our first song, which was "I'll always be around". This was the song that Awsten made me dedicate to Jessica. Tears started to form in my eyes, but I couldn't cry. I can't cry in front of all of our fans. I have to just suck it up and just go on with the show. The show must go on, no matter how much you want to just crawl into a ball and cry.

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