Chapter 2

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*otto's pov*
"C'mon Otto, it will be fun. You barely go out with us." Geoff complained.
"Yeah dude, come out with us. Geoff and I hate leaving you while we go out. It will be fun, trust me." Awsten says while trying to drag me out with them.
"I'm not going. I just don't get the point of going out and getting drunk. And you should be the main one to understand Awsten. You don't like being social sometimes." I said while holding onto the couch so Awsten wouldn't drag me away.
"Well I feel like being social today, and you should too. Now get your antisocial ass up." Awsten yelled while pulling me off the couch.
"Fine, I'll go. But if you guys get in some sort of trouble, I'm not helping you guys get out." I grabbed my wallet and left the house with the boys.
"So, where are we even going?" I asked Awsten. We were just walking down the side of the road. Cars were zooming by us.
"There is this new club up the street, and I wanted to try it out."
We walked for about ten minutes and then arrived at the club.It was pretty packed, but this always happened when clubs just opened. I sighed when I saw the long line waiting outside the club.
"Look Awsten, the line is all the way out the club .We should just go back to the house and hangout there." I complained.
" this club must be really good if the line is outside. Just hang in there Otto. You won't be complaining after you're in and having fun."
We waited in line for about 35 minutes before we could get in. The club actually looked really cool and people were everywhere. Geoff saw where the bar was and went to go get some drinks.
"We better keep an eye on him. You know what happens when Geoff gets drunk." Awsten said.
I just laughed knowing all that happens when Geoff gets wasted. Awsten and I just sat at a table and watched everyone dance. It wasn't until some girl came over and started talking to Awsten. Awsten and the girl went to the dance floor and left me all alone. I knew that this was going to happen. I was going through my phone when it shut off. The only thing that kept me from being social was gone now. I tried looking for Awsten and Geoff, but they were no where to be seen. I decided to just walk over to the bar and get a drink. If I'm going to be here , I might as well have a little bit to drink. I got my drink and just watched everyone. It was actually pretty entertaining watching a bunch of drunk people dance. While looking around, I noticed a girl who was different than everyone else. She had long blonde hair, and she was also really skinny. Anorexic skinny. I didn't really see her face since her back was towards me. I don't know why people would starve themselves like that. I'm pretty sure she is a pretty person inside and out. I just wanted to go up to her and hug her, or just help her get better. It hurts me to see people slowly kill themselves. She turned around and walked over to the bar. More like stumbled to the bar, she was obviously really drunk. She stood right next to me and ordered. I couldn't help but just stare at her, she was really gorgeous.
"Hey, can I have another beer?" She asked.
"I'm sorry miss, but you had a lot to drink tonight. I'm going to have to cut you off." The bar tender said.
"You can't just fucking do that. I want another beer, so give it to me now." She demanded.
"Ma'am, do you want me to call you an uber to bring you home. You are obviously really drunk, and you don't really need anymore to drink. You can get alcohol poisoning if you keep drinking." The bar tender said while picking up his phone.
"No need to call me an uber, I'll walk home. Fuck you and your stupid bar." She shouted. It was really hard to understand her because she slurred a lot of her words.
She flipped the bar tender off and stumbled her way out the bar. I felt really bad for her. A part of me just wanted to walk after her and try to help her.
"Hey there you are man. I was looking for you." A very intoxicated Geoff yelled. Awsten was also with him.
"I was looking for you too. I thought you were at the table, but you weren't. Anyway, we should go. You can obviously see that mister Geoff is fucked." Awsten said.
I was really surprised that Awsten wasn't really drunk. We walked outside of the bar and started walking. Geoff was stumbling and falling everywhere.
"Geoff get off the ground, we have to go home." Awsten yelled.
"I don't want to fucking walk." Geoff slurred. "Carry me the rest of the way."
"Fuck that, I'm calling us an uber." Awsten said.
Awsten called an uber, and the uber driver said he will be here in about 15 minutes. We just stood at the side of the road and waited for the uber.
"Leave me alone. I'm not a fucking prostitute." A feminine voice yelled.
I turned around to find that girl from the bar being pushed around by a guy.
"If you're not a prostitute, then why are you wearing those clothes. C'mon, I'll pay you money, just come with me to my house." The guy said. He kept trying to drag her away but she was fighting back.
I hate seeing this happen. I would usually just leave it alone, cause I'm way too weak to help someone, but I felt like I needed to help her. Something was telling me to help her.
"Hey, leave her alone!" I shouted without even thinking.
"Hey Otto, what are you doing?" Awsten asked. It was very unusual for me to do these kinds of things
" what are you going to do about it tough guy. " the guy said.
" I don't want to do anything to you, but I will if I have to. Now leave her alone."
"Yeah,, leave me alone." The girl yelled.
"Shut up bitch. I can easily break your anorexic ass in half." The guy yelled.
"Hey, hey, hey. That is no way to speak to a lady like that." Awsten butted in. " now I honestly suggest you leave, NOW!"
The guy flipped us off and started walking off with the girl. I couldn't let him get away with this. Without thinking again, I ran and jumped on the guys back.
"Get the fuck off me man." He yelled.
He let go of the girls hand and started focusing on me.
"Holy shit Otto, get off dude. You're going to get your ass kicked." Awsten yelled. This was really true. I don't know how to fight at all. The guy got me off his back and punched me in the face. I fell straight to the ground. Awsten ran over to me and helped me up.
"Oh dude are you alright?" He asked while helping me up.
" yeah, I'm fine." I wasn't. I could feel a bruise forming on my cheek.
"Dude, what were yo thinking? You could've gotten yourself killed." Awsten yelled.
"I wasn't thinking, that was the problem." I said.
"Well, you not thinking saved me." A voice said behind me. I totally forgot that the girl was behind us. "Thank you so much for saving me. I don't know what would've happen if he would have taken off with me."
"Oh no problem, I couldn't just let him get away with that. By the way, I'm Otto, and this is Awsten." I said.
"IM GEOFF." Geoff yelled behind us. I totally forgot that he was sitting on the ground drunk out of his mind.
"Hi, I'm Jessica." The girl, or should I say Jessica, said.
"Well it's nice to meet you Jessica." I said while shaking her hand. Her hand was really cold and boney.
"Hey, our uber is here." Geoff slurred.
"Okay well lets go then." Awsten said while helping Geoff up and getting him into the uber.
"Hey Jessica, you can ride with us. We'll have the uber bring you home. I don't  you walking out here alone." I offered.
"Oh, it's okay. My apartment is just down the street, but thanks for offering." She said while smiling. Her smile was really bright. Her smile distracts you from how skinny and broken she is.
"Okay, we'll be safe. Have a nice night." I said.
"You too Otto." Jessica said. She then started walking away.
"C'mon Otto, get in the car." Awsten yelled. I walked to the car and we drove off. I kept my eye on Jessica until we lost sight of her. I really hope I'll be able to see her again. She's so broken and hurt, it's really obvious. I want to help fix her, and make her better. But what's the point of that if I never see her again.

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