Chapter 5

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I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I quickly walked downstairs to get something to eat cause I was really hungry, and I love bacon.
"Good morning Otto." Geoff said.
Morning Geoff."
Awsten wasn't down so he must have been still sleeping. I fixed my plate and started eating. I started flipping through the tv channels to find something interesting to watch. Nothing interesting was on, so I just turned the tv off. A very sleepy Awsten soon came down the stairs.
"Good morning mr sleepy pants. I made some breakfast." Geoff said in a motherly tone.
Awsten just gave a weak smile and starting fixing his plate. It was really quiet for a couple of minutes, but then Awsten spoke up.
"So, I was thinking that today could just chill for two days, and we'll start working on the album Sunday."
"That sounds pretty good to me." Geoff agreed.
"Same here." I agreed.
I soon finished eating all my food. I decided to just sit on the couch and watch tv. After about an hour of watching random cartoons, I got really bored. I went on my phone and saw that I was texting Jessica. I still had my last text on there. I'm really glad I didn't send that to her. I sat there for a moment and thought of things to text her. After failing to come up with something, I finally decided to just say hi. I sent the text message and continued watching tv.
"Hey,we're almost out of orange juice." Awsten yelled.
"No we aren't, check the bottom shelf there should be two more down there." Geoff replied.
"Oh, there it is."
My phone vibrated and I saw that is was Jessica.
Jessica: hey

Otto: hey jessi, wyd?

Jessica: nothing really, just watching bobs burgers. Wyd?

Otto: nothing just watching the same show as you

Jessica: that's pretty cool

Otto: yeah.

I didn't really know what else to talk about. There wasn't really much to talk about. I was thinking I could ask to see if she would like to hangout tonight since we aren't really doing anything. We could probably go out and have fun.

Otto: so me and the boys aren't really doing anything today. I was wondering if you would like to come over and hang out

It took a few minutes for her to respond, but she finally did.
Jessica: okay that seems fun. What time do you want me over, and whats the address?

Otto:2 would be good and the address is 7578 white oak dr.

Jessica: that's actually only a block away from me. Okay, I'll see you then

I had about two hours before Jessica arrived.
"Hey guys, we need to clean up I just invited Jessica over. She should be over here around 2."
"Ohhhhhh, Otto invited his lover over. We got to make sure we impress her." Geoff laughed.
"Cut it out guys, she isn't my girlfriend. Now stop joking around and get cleaning."
"She's not your girlfriend yet." Awsten mumbled.
"What did you say Awsten?"
The house wasn't really dirty, we just had to throw away some stuff, sweep, and vacuum. I cleaned my room just in case we go in there to get away from Geoff and Awsten. They would probably do any and everything to embarrass me infront of her. Yeah, she isn't my girlfriend, but I really do like her, and I don't want to ruin anything between us. It took us about an hour to clean up the whole house. We only had an hour left to wait from her.
"I'm pretty hungry. I'm going to order so pizza. What do you guys want?" Awsten asked
"Cheese would be good for me." I yelled.
"Meat lovers would be good for me." Geoff said.
Awsten ordered the pizza, and it arrived about 20 minutes latter. We just watched tv and waited for Jessica to arrive. I was actually a little nervous. This will be the first time we actually had a proper hangout. I really want to get to know her. I then started thinking about her even more. I really hope she isn't starving herself. She's slowly killing herself if she is. What if she's doing more than starving herself, like cutting, or forcing herself to throw up. My mind was rushing with all these things she could be doing to herself. It scares me a lot. What scares me the most is not knowing if I would be able to save her. My thoughts were disrupted from the doorbell ringing. That must be her.
"I got it." I walked towards the door and looked through the eye hole to see if it was I fact her. I just saw her really small frame standing there waiting. I then opened the door and greeted her.
"Hey Jessica, it's nice to see you again."
"Hey Otto it's nice to see you too." Her voice was angelic.
We walked inside and Geoff and Awsten were nowhere to be seen. I automatically knew that they were up to something.
"So what do you want to do? We can watch tv, play video games, its all up to you."
"We can play video games. What kind of games do you have?"
Well we have ..."
"WELCOME MISS JESSICA TO THE WATERPARKS HOUSE HOLD." Awsten yelled interrupting me. " Geoff and I are here to make sure that your visit here is great and not at all awkward."
I just stared at both of them in disbelief.
"What the hell are you guys doing?"
"Like I said, we are here to make Jessica's visit here not awkward and great. You should get hearing aids." Awsten said.
Jessica just started laughing at them. Her laugh was really pretty, and I loved the way she hid her face when she laughed. It was just really adorable.
"You guys are really funny. I can tell my visit here will be fun."
"That's good. Do you wanna play just dance? We all suck at it, buts it's fun to watch everyone fail."Awsten asked.
"Sure, I actually suck at dancing, so I'm pretty sure you guys will win."
We all pulled up in the living room and started to play just dance. Jessica was actually really good at dancing, even though she said she wasn't.
"Hey jess, aren't you hot in that jacket? Why won't you take it off. You can just put it in the couch." I said.
"Oh no, I'm fine."
"You sure? Cause I'm sweating my ass off." Awsten replied
"Trust me guys, I'm fine."
I just shrugged my shoulders and continued playing. We played just dance for about two hours. All this workout made me hungry. Good thing we had leftover pizza.
"I'm starving, how about you jess. We have some leftover pizza if you want some." I offered.
"Oh no thanks, I'm not that hungry."
"Not hungry? We just worked our butts off for two hours. There's no way you aren't hungry." Geoff said.
"I'm just not hungry."
It was kind of silent for a little. Jessica kind of just sat awkwardly on the couch as we ate our pizza.
"Do you want to watch a movie or something? You can pick whatever movie you want."
"How about we watch the conjuring 2." Jessica suggest.
"Okay that's cool."
We turned on the movie and sat down and watched it. Jessica got scared a couple of times and jumped towards me. She would sometimes bury her head into my shoulder. I found it really adorable. The movie finished and Jessica was practically on my lap.
"Looks like someone was really scared." Awsten joked while looking at both of us.
Jessica must have not known that she was on me cause she quickly hopped off of me when she noticed.
"I'm sorry Otto, didn't mean to be all on you."
"Don't worry it's okay."
"Well, I'm actually pretty tired. I think I'm going to go home now. It was really nice hanging out with you guys."
"It was nice hanging out with you too." Geoff and Awsten said in unison.
"I'll walk you to your car."
I walked Jessica to her car and said goodbye.
"Bye jessi. It was really fun having you over. We should do this more often."
"Yeah it was really fun."
I then heard her stomach growl really load.
"You haven't eaten anything while you were her jess. Are you sure you don't want some pizza or anything."
"No I'm fine."
"Jess, I don't want you..
"What, you don't want me to what." She said in a aggressive manner. "Some people aren't hungry Otto okay. I'm not hungry and I don't want any food."
I was really hurt that she yelled at me. I was more hurt knowing that I was right, she was in fact starving herself.
"Oh sorry. We'll be safe."
She just drove off and went home. I just stood there watching her car disappear into the distance. I then walked back inside.
"Today was fun. Jessica seems really nice. What did you think... are you okay Otto?" Awsten asked.
"No, not at all."
"What happened? You guys were only gone for about 3 minutes."
"She's starving herself Awsten. Her stomach growled really loudly when I was saying goodbye, so I asked her if she wanted to bring some food home, but she snapped at me. She got really defensive. She hasn't eaten anything at all while she was her. She's starving herself man, she's slowly killing herself."
"Hey man, we can't just jump to conclusions. There must be some explanation for why she didn't eat."
"Yeah, the only explanation is that she's starving herself and doesn't want to eat. She's anorexic Awsten. We need to help her."
"Well how are we going to do that? We can't just force feed her."
"I don't know. I'll find away. Where's Geoff?"
"He's passed out on the couch."
"Oh, well I'm going up stairs. Goodnight."
"Goodnight Otto. And I'm sorry about Jessica."
I quickly went to my room and laid down. I can't believe that she is actually doing this. What would make her do something like this. I really want to help her before she gets worse. But how?

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