Chapter 26

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It was 12:30 p.m. Today was the day that I am going to see my family. Otto and I loaded all of our luggage in the car, and we headed out to go see my parents. I can't believe that we are actually going to see them. All these years, I've been holding a grudge against them, but now I get to fix everything. I was very excited, but also scared. What if they did just hate me, and kick me out? What if they laughed my face , when I tried to apologize? Otto must have seen the worry on my face because he took my hand into his and kissed it.

"Everything is going to be okay, trust me. I'm in this with you, so if something happens, I got your back."

"Please tell me you aren't going to fight someone, cause you obviously can't do that." I said, remembering the first time we met.

Remembering Otto jumping on a guys back, who was twice his size, and trying to fight him eased my mind.

"No, I'm not going to fight people, and stop bringing that up. You make me seem like I'm weak." He complained, but at the end started laughing.

The two hour car ride seemed so long. I guess it was because of how anxious I was. I looked at the navigation and saw that we were only thirty minutes away. I felt my stomach do thousands of back flips. Everything is coming so quickly, but at the same time, I fell like I'm waiting for decades. Ten minutes later, we ended up pulling over at a Subway because Otto was hungry. My stomach was still doing somersaults, so I didn't get anything. Right next to the subway was an H.E.B. I decided to go in there and buy some flowers. I don't really know why, I just feel like I need to give them something. We both get back in the car, and continue our now fifteen minute journey to my house. Every minute was hell. All the possibilities of what could happen flooded my mind. I keep reassuring myself that everything is fine, but even the good thoughts were overruled by the bad ones.

We finally arrived in the neighborhood, which looked the same as when I left. The two oak trees amandine on both side when you drive in, the endless fields of trees, all the houses that neighbor each other. It's was all nostalgic and horrifying at the same time. This was the neighborhood I grew up in, but it's also the one where everything bad has ever happened. We arrived at my house, which was filled with a bunch of cars. It looked the same as the day I left. Did anything change in this neighborhood? It made me feel like I went back in time.

My parents would always have a big "before thanksgiving" party, which explains all of the cars out front, and then we would have another thanksgiving party on thanksgiving. We couldn't park on the driveway, so we parked on the side of the road. I sat in the car and I started to rethink everything. Maybe this isn't a good idea? I should go back home. Otto must have read my mind because he turned me around and gave me such a passionate kiss. His kiss was just what I needed. We broke the kiss and he looked me in the eyes.

"You're amazing, beautiful, and wonderful. No one should be able to turn you down if they have a heart. We can't go back now, so we just have to go up there and give everything our best."

I gave him a quick kiss on the check, and then I got out of the car. That little pep talk did something because I wasn't as nervous as I was. Otto and I walked towards the door and stood there. You could here everyone in there and the loud thumping music. It was like a teenager was throwing a huge party. I took a deep breath and rung the doorbell. There was no escaping this. I placed the flowers in front of me to hid my worried face.

"You'll be okay." Otto whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek .

I brought the flowers down to where they were below my chest. The door opened, and out stepped the lady I've been scared to face, the lady who gave me life, the lady who was heartbroken when she found out about her daughter dating a drug addict. It was my mom. Her face went from happy to shocked. I didn't know what to say. I was frozen in fear. I was scared of what she was going to say. Tears soon started rolling down her face and she walked closer to me.

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