Chapter 11

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I woke up to the noise of someone talking lightly in the living room. I was too tired to get out to see what was happening, so I just quietly sat and tried to ease drop into the conversation.

"Dude just ask her. I'm pretty sure that she's into you. I mean..."

I couldn't really hear  anything after that, they must've walked away. I really want to know who was talking, and who the lucky girl is.

After trying to go back to sleep and failing, I got out of my bed and walked into my living room. Otto was watching tv, Awsten was making breakfast, and Geoff was asleep.

"Good morning guys. how did you guys sleep?"

"Good morning jess. And I slept great." Otto said.

"Same, I slept pretty good too. Geoff must be sleeping really good, he still hasn't woken up and it's 10:38. He is usually up by this time."

I just laughed and sat on the couch next to Otto.

"So Awsten, what are you making for us?"

"Well, I was trying to make pancakes, but I kept burning them, so now I'm just making eggs and bacon. Let's hope I don't burn that."

"We might as well just go out and eat. Awsten is going to end up burning that too." Otto suggested.

"Hey shut up, I got this."

We watched tv while Awsten continued to cook. I found myself cuddling up against Otto and his arm was around me. Just being near him makes me smile. I never knew for someone to get cuter the more you look at them. I guess he noticed that I was staring at him cause he looked right at me. I quickly faced the tv and he just slightly laughed.

"Okay, breakfast is done." Awsten yelled.

Otto and I walked over to the table and started eating. Geoff finally woke up and joined us for breakfast. We finished our food and I cleaned all the dishes.

"Hey jess, can I ask you something?" Otto said

"Sure, what's up?."

It was just me and Otto in the kitchen, Awsten and Geoff were in the living room.

"Um I was wondering if you would like to go out to that club down the street tonight. You know, just the two of us."

"Yeah, sure. That seems really fun."

"okay. I was thinking we can leave around seven."

"Yeah that's fine with me."

Otto stayed and helped me clean all the dishes. We then went back to the couch and watched tv. Awsten and Geoff were watching some documentary. It was kinda boring, so I just started playing on my phone. I haven't had my phone in a month. They took it away from me when I was at the hospital. I turned it on and of course the home screen was a picture of a really pretty skinny girl. Otto saw my phone and took it away from me.

"Hey, I was about to change it. There's no need to take my phone."

He tapped on the camera app and started taking funny pictures of himself. There were a few of him smiling, and few with us together, and then a few of him making faces that I never knew could be made. He then went through the selection of pictures he took and picked two out. My lock screen was the picture of him smiling and my home screen was a picture of us together.

Skin & bones || Otto WoodWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt