Chapter 36

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~ Quinn's p.o.v ~

"My dad used to be a stoner before he met my mom. Somehow my mom actually got him to stop which was surprising because he's so goddamn stubborn"
I laughed slightly and looked at Weston.

We were sitting outside in my backyard. We were sorta sitting away from everyone else but most of Joeys teammates would walk by every once in a while.

"But one thing my dad didn't stop doing was smoking. He smoked at least three packs a day"
I sighed.

He stayed quiet.

"The longest he's ever gone without smoking had of been a week. Whenever my mom would take his cigarettes away he would just go ballistic and act like it was the end of the world. Joey and I didn't talk to him about it because we were too scared"
He questioned.

"When I say he would go ballistic... he would. He'd think negatively about everything and just call my mom horrible names. If we even tried to do something to help him he would cuss at us and just be a completely different person than he was"
I scoffed.

"I can't imagine"
"It was hell. When he found out he had lung cancer he continued smoking but smoked more than he did. I stressed out everyday just waiting for the call that he was dead"
"Yeah...I get it. My dad is a heavy alcoholic. Everyday when I come home from practice he's just hammered and it's bad. My mom usually leaves because it's so bad but...I'm preparing myself for the day I find him dead on the floor from drinking so much"
He scoffs and shakes his head.

I look at him.

"At least your dad was always there. My dad could care less"
"You have your mom...your"
I shrugged my shoulders and smiled small.
"I know"
He sighs and shakes his head.

I ran my fingers through his hair

"If it makes you feel better just think about're going to be a better dad than your father ever was"
He cocks an eyebrow at my comment.

"There's no way I'd ever- wait..."
His voice trails off as his face goes pale.

I calmly said.
"I'm kidding. But you would be an amazing parent"
I smiled small.
"Yeah okay"
He rolled his eyes.

"You don't think so?"
"No? I'd be a terrible influence"
"Okay how?"
"I have the worst attitude, I'm an asshole, I sorta drink a lot and go to parties"
"But that's every boy your age. You still have a long life ahead of you, you can still change"
"I don't think I'm changing any time soon"
"You have changed though. I'm seeing improvements"
I smirked.

"So if I told you, you would be a great mom what would you say?"
"I wouldn't say I would be great-"
He cut me off.

"But I would try my best to make them happy and succeed"
I continued.

"Why are we talking about this?"
"I don't know"
I chuckled.

"Maybe because I'm actually pregnant..."
I joked.
He whined softly.

I laughed.

"I think you would be a great father of twins"
"Oh no..."
He let out a sigh and put his hands over his face.
"I was thinking about their names..."
"No. No. No. No, no. No"
He repeated.

I grinned.
"I'm just messing with you. It's only one"
He moaned.

"Why does this scare you so much? How many people have you actually knocked up and gotten pregnant, seriously?"
I laughed.

"I've never gotten a girl pregnant- I just can't stand the thought of having a freaking kid at 18. I might as well just end up on teen mom or something"
He mumbled and sighed.

"Our fans would think our babies would look cute"
He moaned and got up.

"Quinn you're like 17 stop"
"Age is just a number"
"Oh my god"
He laughed nervously.

"You know I'm doing this to you because I love you, right?"
I giggled.
"I thought you were actually trying to tell me something"
"We're breaking up-"
"I'm kidding!"
I laughed as I interlocked my fingers with his.

"God you better be kidding..."
He threw his head back and laughed slightly.

"I am. At least another year"
"No...I'm never laying a hand on you until you're at least 30"
He laughed nervously.

"19 isn't that bad"
"Oh god. I don't think I've ever experience this much anxiety in my life until now, jesus Quinn"
"Babe, calm down"
I chuckled, pecking his lips.

"I'm not going to sleep with you until we're 30"
"Good luck with that. You can't even go five minutes without kissing or touching me"

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