Chapter 13

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~ Weston's p.o.v ~

"Some of your friends are kind of assholes"
Quinn said as she was leaning against the wall.

"Do I have to ask who?"
I asked.
"You can give it a shot"
"Luke or Brennen?"
I shrugged my shoulders
"Yep...Luke was just making it look like I'm using you for information"
She laughed slightly and rolled her eyes.

"He's just messing with you. Don't worry about it"
"I then asked him if he was gonna try using me for information and he just grinned and laughed like...he was"
She frowned.

Hearing that come out of her mouth gave me butterflies in my stomach. I was the one using her.

"Don't worry about it. Even if he tried he wouldn't get anything out of you"
I smirked.
"You won't tell them...right?"
She asked nervously.
"Tell them what?"
"What I told you earlier. About what Mark and I did with our teams..."
"I wasn't going to anyways,"
I lied. She smiled.

I knew the day was getting closer until she was going to find out. Whether it was a day or 4 months from now, she was going to find out. Not only would it crush her, but that'd make our schools hate each other even more. I already told Brennen while she was over here and I want to take everything I said to him back. This is the first lie I've ever told her and it's the biggest one that could ruin us. I was starting to feel disappointed in myself for putting my team before her.

"So do you want me to take you home?"
"I'll just stay over here until practice is over"
"I still have another hour and a half left though..."
"It's okay. I'll find something to do while you're out there"
"Okay. If you need anything just ask one of the guys that are sitting out today"
I said as I backed away.
She crossed her arms and nodded.


I was kinda excited for practice to end today. I was paranoid the whole time after telling Brennen the game plan. He's been telling everyone, little by little and I'm afraid Quinn's gonna overhear.

I walked over to the food court where Quinn was and I see her sitting on the bench, talking to her phone.

I yelled, hoping to scare her. She looked at me and gave me a dirty look. I laughed and walked over to her and planted kisses on her cheek.
"Whose this?"
She said. I wrapped my arm around her.
"Ugh. You"
"Nice to meet you too Clarissa"
I said.
"He's not as bad as you think he is"
"What's that suppose to mean?"
I asked her.
"It means you look like an asshole"
Clarissa claimed.
"I'm not though"
"You are"
I asked.
"You just choose to be an asshole to certain people"
"No I don't"
I defended myself.
"You actually do"
Quinn giggled.
"When have I ever been an ass to you?"
"Umm...when you tried asking me out for 3 weeks straight"
She chuckled.
"Okay that's different"
I said. She cocked an eyebrow.
"Im hanging up Quinn, I can't stand him"
She hung up. I laughed and got up.
"C'mon I'll take you home"
I took her hand as she got up.
"Today doesn't have to end you know"
"I know but I want to get you home. I sorta have a curfew tonight"
"How come?"
"My parents didn't appreciate me coming home drunk at 4AM"
I sighed.
"If you stayed with me it wouldn't have happened"
"This day wouldn't of happened if I didn't go"
I claimed.
"It would've"


"Why is nobody home?"
I asked walking her to her front door.
" parents work late and Joeys just...Joey"
"Sounds nice. My parents are usually home by 5 and are pretty strict with me unless my dads drinking"
"Ah. Well thank you for today"
She said to me.
"Anything for m'lady"
I winked. She laughed.
"Too far?"
She chuckled. I slightly laughed.
"Bye Weston,"
She smiled small and kissed my cheek.

"Goodnight Quinn"

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