Chapter 17

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~ Quinn's p.o.v ~

It's been a few days. I'm currently at the hospital with Joey. We were sitting with my dad.

"Last weekend our team won again"
Joey told dad.
"That's good. Who're you playing against next week?"
He looked over at me.
"How about you Quinn? How's your team doing?"
Dad asked me. I looked up at him.
"I had to quit because of school and to be with you. Remember?"
"You just chose to quit..."
Joey mumbled to himself. I shot him a dirty look.

"Oh...right I forgot"
Dad laughed, and began coughing.

He's starting to forget a lot. He almost forgot who Joey and I were and he started freaking out. It's because he's hallucinating.

"Why are you two so distant? Usually you both are talking a lot"
"Don't worry about us, this is about you"
I smiled small.

A nurse walked in, holding a tray with food and a drink for my dad. She set it down on the night stand next to my dads hospital bed.

I walked over to see what kind of food they served for him today.

They made him oatmeal with a banana and gave him orange juice.

"Hey, wanna eat?"
I asked him.
"Why not? It's oatmeal, you love it"
"They're probably trying to poison me"
"Dad of course not. They're nurses"
I grabbed the bowl of oatmeal.

"Put it down Quinn. I'm not eating it"
"Dad it's not poison"
I said as I ate some of it.
"Bullshit. You ate a certain part of it"
I sighed and looked back at him.
"You can't make dad eat. If he's not hungry, he's not hungry"
"He needs to eat in order to take his medicine"
I argued. He let out a sigh and doesn't answer.
"Can you at least eat a little bit? I'll eat the rest"
I begged.
"What? You're gonna feed me the poison?"
"It's not poisoned. You've ate food here many times, what makes you think that?"
"Those nurses hate me"
"No they don't. Dad they love you, they want the best for you. Please eat so you can take the medicine. Mom wants me to make sure"
I pleaded. I dug the spoon into the oatmeal and held it up to him. He took the spoon and ate some of the oatmeal. He threw the spoon at me. I gasped as he spilled the oatmeal all over, including me. Joey started laughing.
"What the hell are you doing Quinn?!"
He raised his voice.
"Dad I-"
"This doesn't taste like oatmeal at all, you're trying to fucking kill me!"
He coughed. I got up.
"It's okay, y-you just lost your taste"
He started grabbing things that were close to him.
"Whoa, whoa dad calm down!"
Joey said a little loudly, still laughing.  He grabbed the stuff out of his hands.
"Get your fucking sister out of here before I kill her!"
He scowled. Nurses started coming in to see what was going on.
"Sir, is everything okay?"
One of them asked him.
"No my daughter tried poisoning me because of you cunts!"
"No I didn't!"
I scoffed. I felt a lump in my throat.
"It's just the medicine- you two need to go and call it a night"
One of the nurses said cleaning up the mess.
Joey grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the room. Once we got out of the hospital I jerked my arm away from him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?
I scoffed.
"Why the hell would you laugh? Dad is going insane- he's dying! And you just sat there and laughed at him throwing shit at me"
"You're overreacting, Quinn"
He snickered.
"No I'm not. Don't tell me I'm overreacting because I'm not. You're just being a dick because me and Weston are together. Get over yourself, it was gonna happen eventually whether it was us or someone else"
"Why do you assume-"
"I'm not assuming because it's true! You're being such a fucking asshole and it'd be great to have you every once in a while helping me out when moms not here. He's dying and we need each other more than ever!"
I cried.
"I don't need you"
"Well I do. He's gonna be gone soon if you keep choosing dads side with everything he doesn't want to do. I don't care if he says no and he's an adult, he's our dad and he needs us to be there for him"
"He's going to die either way. Open your damn eyes. It's life. Don't you want him happy?"
"Don't pull that card on me Joey"
I hissed. He scoffed and looked away.
"This is ridiculous, I don't understand what your problem is. You're the reason why he's so pissed today"
"What the hell did I do? He thinks the nurses poisoned his food! You know, it would of been nice if you helped me out and said it wasn't"
I squeezed my hand into a fist.

He mumbled and started walking away. I followed him.
"Joey what the fuck?!"
I raised my voice.
He groaned.
"You literally don't care do you?"
I scoffed as tears filled my eyes. He doesn't answer, giving me a dirty look.

"You're so selfish. You only care about yourself, nothing or anybody else around you but your damn self. Dads fucking dying. Who knows how long he has, he probably has two more fucking days judging by the way he's acting and how he looks. And you're no help at all. I've been depressed and crying every night just dreading for the day to come. I haven't even seen you shed a tear since we found out. But you're only making it worse by judging me for being with Weston. And of course you tell mom to make her stress even more. We're supposed to help each other out right now. Not stab each other in the back"
I preached. He rolled his eyes.

"Stop acting like you're so depressed Quinn. There's other people who have it worse than you"

I scoffed as tears began rolling down my cheeks.

He sighed. I backed away from him. He grabbed my arm.
"Don't- Don't touch me"
"I shouldn't of said that- I'm sorry"
"Everyone I care about is leaving me or turning their backs on me and it'd be great just for once if you would stop judging me for everything I do, and fucking be there"
I pushed him.

I began walking away from him with tears streaming down my face and feeling like my heart is being torn into pieces.

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