Chapter 14

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~ Quinn's p.o.v ~

Two months have gone by and it was Tuesday and today wasn't really a good day so far. I just wanted to be left alone.

"Whose the guy you're seeing?"
Mark asked me as he put his food tray down sat in front of me.
"We're not together. It was just a few dates"
I stabbed my fork into my salad.
"Jeez Quinn, you good?"
He asked.
"You didn't sound too happy while saying that, plus you're stabbing your poor salad"
"Sorry. I have a lot on my mind"
"Want an apple?"
He asked as he held it out to me. I shook my head.

Clarissa and some other of our friends started filling up the lunch table. I didn't really feel like talking to anybody today after what happened this morning between Joey and I. My phone has been vibrating all day and I know it's him texting me terrible things. I'm just glad he's at the hospital with dad today.

I took my phone out of my back pocket and scrolled through my notifications. Most messages were from Joey.

"Stop avoiding my fucking messages"
"How could you do this?"
"Why the fuck are you and Weston dating?"
"You're betraying our whole school"
"How dare you put him before dad"

How did he find out about us? I felt myself go into panic mode. The list of messages kept going on. I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder.

"Quinn, what's wrong?"
Mark asked me. I ignored him and walked out of the lunchroom quickly.
"Quinn wait-"
Mark said.
"Please leave me alone"
I said almost exploding with tears.
"What's going on Quinn?"
He whispered.
"Just leave me alone, please"
I walked away from him, leaving the school.


"Quinn are you fucking stupid?!"
Joey yelled.
"Of course I'm not"
"You clearly are because you're dating Weston. Do you know what the hell you're getting yourself into?"
He asked. I rolled my eyes.
"Quinn! This is serious!"
"How did you find out?"
"Clarissa? Yeah she sent me pictures of you guys together. Kissing"
"Oh really?"
He said pulling up pictures of us on his phone.

The message was from Clarissa. How could she do this...

"Seriously Quinn? Out of all people in the world"
He ran his fingers through his hair.
"You're overreacting"
"No I'm not! Do you realize who he is? He's a Marian student, our rival. He hurt Mark, Quinn..."
"That was the past. He's so much different now. Everyone deserves second chances"
"Are you kidding've known Weston for only a few months, and you're putting him before your schools team, your own friends?"
"What? I never said that"
"Quinn you have to be blind. He's dating you for a reason, he's using you for something and it has something to do with us"
"No he isn't! If he was I would know. He loves me"
I argued.
"No he doesn't. If he's taking you on dates to baseball games, talking about baseball, bringing you to his practice to meet the team he's obviously using you for something Quinn. You don't see it!"
"Oh my god you're overreacting! That's what couples are supposed to do. We have the same interests!"
I claimed.
"I hope you realize what you're getting yourself into. I hope when he crushes your heart you realize how fucking stupid you are. I hope everyone at school hates you when they find out"

"If they hate me, they're gonna hate you too. You're my brother and you were the first to know, and you're not stopping me from seeing him. I love him"

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