Chapter 5

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~ Weston's p.o.v ~

Today was the next day after seeing Quinn. I have to admit, she is a lot more stubborn than I thought. Today I was feeling more confident that I'd get her to say yes. The whole day in school I was too focused on coming up with plans than my classwork.

I tapped my pencil on my desk as I stared at my work. I was in math class, the worst subject in school. So that gives me a better reason not to pay attention.

I did think about waiting at her house and convince her there. But I realized that's probably the creepiest thing I've ever thought.

"Weston, what's the answer to number 28 on your homework?"
Mr Briggs asked me.

Great, I didn't even know we had homework. Even if I knew I still wouldn't have done it, but the smart chick I sit next to isn't here to give me the answers.

"I don't know, what is it?"
I heard some chuckles.
"That's what I'm asking you, Weston"
"Sorry Mr B but I'm asking you what it is so I don't get it wrong"
I shrugged. He walked over to me with a pissed off smile on his face. He looks at me.

"Well how could ya get it wrong when you have nothing in front of ya?"
"I don't know how could ya?"
I mocked.

"Go to the office"
"Gladly Mr B"
I devilishly smirk.


I waited at Quinn's car again today and she seemed to ignore me. I guess I kinda had too much confidence today and the next few weeks I had trying to convince her.

"Quinn wait"
I said running after her. She was completely avoiding me and I was starting to lose hope. I grabbed her arm. She jerked it away and turned towards me.

"What do you want?"
"Quinn please"
I pleaded.
"Will you just stop following me around?"
"Just say yes! Please Quinn"
"One date?"
"One date. I promise I'll stop bothering you"
She sighed.

I felt excitement inside me. I felt happier than ever. I felt like a little kid when they got the toy they've been wanting forever on Christmas.

"Tomorrow, 7pm"
I smirked. She nodded.

"May I have your number?"
"You're gonna give my phone back, right?"
I nodded and put her number into my phone.
"Later, Quinn"
I gave her phone back to her and walked off.

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