Ch 17- Avoiding Eye Contanct

Start from the beginning

I blinked before nodding my head once. He sighed with a smile, "That's good," he mumbled. I hadn't notice how tight I was gripping on his blazer until someone barged in. Namjoon and I both shot our heads to the person.

"Sorry, did I interrupt?" Yoongi asked with a poker face. Namjoon quickly got off me helping me up. I limped a little with a slight pain in my ankle. Namjoon shook his right hand out, I think I hurt his hand. "Yoongi, Namjoon was trying to get to me before I fell," I scratched my head. Namjoon fixed the bench, and he mumbled a 'Yeah'.

"It's not what it looks like," I added. Yoongi stood at the door. "Right, not what it looks huh," he left and walked away. "What was that all about?" Namjoon asked, I shrugged. "Yoongi hyung! Wait!" Namjoon shouted running after Yoongi leaving me behind in the music room. What just happened? I asked myself.


I sat alone in the canteen catching up on some homework, "What chu doing~?" Taehyung sang resting his chin on the palms of his hand. I looked up under my lashes, "What does it look like I'm doing?" I retorted back, writing in my notebook. "Um... Making notes with paper and pen," Taehyung stared at my paper then up to me.

I sighed, "It's paper and pencil, not pen. I'm finishing my homework," I turned the page. "I'm bored, talk to me Yuki-chan!" Taehyung whined, "Don't call me Yuki," I said. "Yuki-chan, talk to me," Taehyung changed seats, sitting next to me and poked my cheeks. I ignored him and kept doing my homework, "Yuki-chan, what are you doing? Did you know that you have a visible pimple right," Taehyung pointed his index finger and poked the spot where my pimple was "Here?" I closed my eyes annoyed, I pursed my lips holding back from raging.

"Yuki-chan should I pop-" I pointed the end of my pencil at his face, "Taehyung, I swear one more word coming out from your mouth, I will stick this pencil up your butt! And don't call me Yuki." I gritted. Taehyung raised his hands up in surrender, "geez I just wanted to talk, don't get all sensitive," I sighed putting my pencil down. I apologized, "Sorry, I just want to finish my homework when I'm stressed," I rubbed the temples of my head. I looked at Taehyung as he had his mouth open.

"Doesn't that cause more stress? You know because you have to think and process everything in your brain. Doesn't that hurt your brain?" Taehyung wondered, I shook my head, "It relieves stress because, I forget what I stress about and focus on homework or I study," I tapped my fingers on the open page of the textbook.

"You're weird, I would never do that. That's torturing my brain," Taehyung shuddered grabbing his head in protection. I laughed at him, "Anyway tell me sister, what are you stressing about?" Taehyung leaned on his elbow. I sighed grabbing my pencil, "School," I quickly said, going back to my note taking.

"School really?" Taehyung looked at me with incredulous. I looked at him, "Yeah," I quickly replied going back to my notebook. "It's about a guy isn't it," Taehyung cooed. I furrowed my eyebrows looking at him, "Noo," I held the 'o' longer. "It's not what you're thinking if you're wondering. I don't have a boy at all. Yeah I'm surrounded by guys but not in particular, I don't like a guy," I said. "I'm not interested."

Taehyung snickered, "That's what you say," I looked around and we were alone in the canteen. What... Where are the rest of the other students? "You have two guys that are interested in you," I scrunched my nose still not believing him. "If there are two of them, interested in me, then tell me who?" I sternly asked. Taehyung shook his head, "No can do sister, it won't be fun if I tell you," he smiled mischievously.

"Okay, now you're really weirding me out," I flipped the next page. "Choose wisely," Taehyung patted my back as he left. I watched him leave the canteen skipping down the hall and disappeared. I faced to the front with a weird expression that said what-the-heck?

"Yukiko, Yukiko!" Someone whispered yelled, I woke up lifting my head up from leaning on my arm. I sat against the wall of the music room, Jungkook crouched in front of me. "Jungkook, what's wrong?" I rubbed my eyes. "We were looking for you, class is going to start soon," Jungkook stood up. I was still sitting down trying to process everything. Was I in the canteen?

I followed Jungkook out the music room, and went separate ways to our classes. I walked in seeing taehyung leaned back on his chair, and held his pencil between his upper lip and nose. "Where is Namjoon and Yoongi?" I sat in front of Taehyung. His pencil dropped on the desk, "I don't know," he leaned in his elbow. "Are you sure about two guys liking me?" I turned around.

Taehyung looked at me confused, "There are two guys who like you? Who?" Taehyung asked with wide eyes. "Didn't you say that when I was at the canteen?" Taehyung glared at me, "No," I mumbled an 'okay' and turned around in my seat. Was it just a dream? There can't be two guys liking me, I slightly chuckled thinking about it. I just moved like four weeks ago.

The whole time in math, I zoned out still thinking about what Taehyung said in my dream. Also, the two guys are not back yet, where could they have gone? "Mr. Kim, can I use the restroom?" Taehyung raised his hand. Mr. Kim looked over at Taehyung, "Make it quick," Taehyung got up and walked out of class.


I sat in the canteen with the boys, Namjoon and Yoongi is still gone. "Where is Yoongi and Namjoon?" I asked again, "Huh? I-I don't know," Hoseok opened his carten of milk avoiding eye contact. Jimin sat across from me, "Jimin do you know where they are?" Jimin looked up and avoid my gaze, he shook his head and unwrapped his sandwich.

I looked at the other three boys, they all avoided my eye contact. "Are you guys hiding something from me?" I asked crossing my arms. They looked at each other, then to me, "No," "Yes," they all said something different. They glanced at each other again, "Yes," "No," the other half did it again. "Someone, please tell me something," I said annoyed.

They were talking with their eyes, "They, they went back to the... Com-company," Jungkook stuttered with his eyes big as a baby doe's eyes, the rest nodded quickly, "You guys better not lie to me," they shook their heads. "Jungkook stutters a lot, that's how he usually talks," Hoseok patted Jungkook's back. I pursed my lips, "Fine, whatever you say," I gave up and ate my lunch. I knew the boys were hiding something. They can't fool me with the way they avoid eye contact.

Class resumed again and I sat alone with Taehyung sitting behind me. I doodled in my notebook, or more like composing. I leaned on my elbow composing in my composition notebook. School ended and everyone fled out the doors, rushing to go home or hang out. "Yukiko-chan!" Taehyung exclaimed putting an arm around my neck. "Yes, Taehyung?" I walked sticking my hands in my pocket.

"Want to hang out with us? We're going to get ice cream!" I thought about it, tapping my chin. "Please Yukiko-chan! We never actually hung out before," Taehyung pled with puppy eyes and his bottom lip stuck out. "Ask my mom Taehyung," I honestly wanted to go home and compose. I missed composing and I need to get back on my guitar.

"Really? You still ask for your mom's permission?" Taehyung looked at me in disbelief, no and yes, what's so wrong asking for your mom's permission? "Um, yeah," I retorted with a snicker. "You're still a kid," he poked my head. I only chuckled, the rest of the boys waited at the door. "Hey Yukiko is coming along too!" Taehyung waved. They all gave Taehyung a look, I started at their face, did they not want me here?

They huddled up and had a group talk. I patiently waited aside tapping my feet. When they finished talking they turned to me, "Taehyung said you have to ask for your mom's permission?" Jin asked, I hummed a 'mhm'. "If you don't want me to go then I don't have to go, I have some other things to do at home," I smiled. "Um, maybe next time, thanks for the offer Taehyung!" I waved and left.

"Wait!" They called. I turned around and waved again, "Its okay!" I ran back home.

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I don't how I feel about this chapter, it's boring and not as interesting. But somehow, it's good? Idek.

But hope you like today's update, don't forget to vote and comment.

I'm still recovering from the concert, don't want to go back to reality, and spring break is almost over. Two more days till school starts again -_- kms!

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