chapter 8

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13 days Till the holiday is over

The next day

"Yawn" said yugo as he wakes up and then dress himself went to breakfast and then goes to ayaka and the both of them starts to walk together they saw a man walking and sulking and yugo goes to him.

"Excuse me sir is something wrong" said yugo. "I envy you" said the man. "Huh" said yugo confused as the man starts to go. "I wonder what's wrong with him" said yugo.

"Hey that's not very nice my grandmother said that you can't just walk away when someone is talking to you" said ayaka. "You brat you kinda remind me of Him" said the man. "Huh" said ayaka. "Excuse me but who are you" said yugo as an explosion happened.

"Was that an explosion" said ayaka. "Yeah let's go find out" said yugo. Ayaka nodded. "Kids these days" said the man.

Back to yugo and ayaka

As they appear to the explosion they then saw a 7 of salis worm and the culex worm.

"Please save us' screamed a man. "Hn there is no one going to stop us" said the culex worm.

"Yes there is" said yugo. "What two little brats and how are you going to do that" said the culex worm as he laughs.

"This" said yugo. Driver on please. Shabadoobi touch to henshin. "Let's go ayaka" said yugo. "Yeah" said ayaka as she grabs her onteki. Henshin said yugo and ayaka. Conjure please conjure conjure conjure conjure conjure. And as that wind appears around ayaka turning her into Kamen Rider fubuki.

"I am Kamen Rider conjurer it's magic time" said yugo. Connect please. As yugo grabs the conjuaxegun. "I'm Kamen Rider fubuki" said ayaka as she grabs both of her ongekikan.

"Children as Kamen riders well that's new, get them" said the culex worm to the salis worms as they ran towards them but fubuki then shot them and then yugo ran towards them as starts to slash them and then spin kick one shot the other six and then yugo pulls out another ring connect please as he grabs the wizarswordgun and ayaka pulls out her ongekimei and put it on her right ongekikan. C'mon and shoot shake hands slash strike. "Sound attack: wind blast" said ayaka as she and yugo both shoot the salis worms destroying them.

"Run" said yugo to the workers. As they go.

"now it's two against one now" said yugo. "Hn that doesn't really matter" said the culex worm. "Huh" said yugo. As the culex worm use clock up and start attacking yugo. "Yugo" said ayaka as she starts to shoot the culex worm but kept on missing.

"He's fast" said ayaka as she was also hit by the culex worm and then both of them starts to fall on the ground. "Is this it" said the culex worm as he starts to Snicker. "Hey did you just laugh at those two kids" said the man.

"Huh and what if I did wait you look familiar where have I seen you before" said the culex worm as a the kickhopper zecter starts to appear.

"Wait that's, now I know where I've seen you your kickhopper" said the culex worm. "Kickhopper" said ayaka. "Is he also a Kamen Rider" whispered yugo.

"Henshin" said the man. Henshin said his zecter. Change kickhopper. As he turns into Kamen Rider kickhopper.

"Why you" said the culex worm as he starts to swing his arms to attack kickhopper but kickhopper then dodge and start kicking the culex worm with heavy kicks and then kickhopper back kick the culex worm.

"Rider jump" said kickhopper. "Rider jump" said his zecter. "Rider kick" said kickhopper. "Rider kick" said his zecter. As kickhopper destroys the culex worm.

"Just who are you" said yugo to kickhopper. "If it's the same I would like to know as well" said the man. "Well I'm yugo and this is ayaka we're kamen riders" said yugo. "Kamen riders I see well how about I test you two first to see how strong you two are" said the kickhopper as he ran towards them. "Wait what" said yugo surprised as he then dodge a kick from kickhopper ayaka then shot him in the chest but kickhopper got up but was then slash by yugo and then kickhopper starts to kick yugo but yugo then block some of it with the conjuaxegun but was still hit with the rest and as he was blew back to the ground he then yugo shot him with the conjuaxegun and slash him three times making kickhopper back away.

kamen rider ConjurerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu