#28 beer bottle

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Gene's pov:
I know it's sounds messed up but it's true. I wanted him to break one or two
bones to show him how much it hurt all those times when I got beat up trying to save him. I always thought he was grateful but turns out he isn't at all.

I was walking done the street heading home. Dante was staying the night in the hospital since they wanted to keep and eye on him so I was about to go home alone. As I walked up to my house I felt a pit of anxiety, please can they be at work or put at a bar and not here. I opened the door to hear silence until I heard screaming.

"WHO THE HELL IS IT?" My eyes widened as I realized I was home later then I said I would be and not only that but Dante is at the hospital which must mean they called them. They don't care about us and by they I mean my biological parents. I don't call them my "parents" because they never once acted like them.

"DANTE IS IT YOU?" I heard his voice again. It was ideally my dad who would beat me up and my mom would just ignore us all.

"OR IS IT GENE?" Should I run upstairs or leave? I know it's stupid to come back home knowing I will get beaten up but no one would under stand unless they were abused.

"WHO THE HELL IS THERE!" Dang it! I hesitated to long, maybe I could run up to my room or-
At that moment my thoughts stopped as well as my heart. My dad walked into the hallway mud room looking drunk and angry as hell. I saw him coming slowly towards me with an sick smile.

"Well well well... you know what happens when you come home late and I made sure of that but... YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I GET INTERRUPTED AT WORK BECAUSE MY SON WAS AT THE HOSPITAL." I could lie to him and say I didn't beat him up but even if I didn't I would still be hurt badly. I looked at his hand and saw he was holding a beer bottle. I took a deep breath and booked it to my room. I heard him running up the stairs after me as I slammed the door. He was banging on it again and again so I moved a bunch of my stuff in front of the door. I then tried opening my window but it was stuck. I punched it and it was about to open until I got pulled back and pushed against the wall. I couldn't see him but I knew it was my father. I felt pressure on my face and stomach as each punch came. Each punch made me feel like I was getting rocks thrown at me. My dad was a body builder and he went to the gym often so he was very strong. I tried pushing him off by kneeing him but instead I got a punch in the eye. Just as I thought it was over I saw him with my blurry vision take out a beer bottle, the next thing I knew I heard a smash and everything went black.

Y/n pov:
"Dante!" Dante looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey babe!" I ran up and kissed him.

"Sorry I couldn't see you sooner they wanted to see if there was any trauma to the brain and once they saw there wasn't they let me in since Gene left and I was your girlfriend." I suddenly saw Dante twitch at the name Gene.

"Dante what's wrong?" I asked him.

"N-nothing just t-that... never mind." I narrowed my eyes at him trying to figure out what he wanted to tell me.

"You know if you give me your house number I can call Gene since he said his phone was dead and-" before I could finish Dante sat up wincing because of his broke rib.

"WAIT HE'S AT MY HOUSE?" I nodded unsure of why Dante seemed so alarmed until I remembered. There parents were abusive.

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